Hello again everyone! Back again for another read every day challenge As always, thanks to @DIO-Berry for hosting
I haven’t really been focusing so much on these threads the last few times, but I have been reading at least a little something every day. Sometimes a lot more than a little something, especially recently
For this challenge, I’m just gonna keep chipping away at my natively bingo board, which despite me doing a lot of reading so far this year is still rather empty Specifically, I think I’d like to finish コンビニ人間 (finally) and maybe start working on 狼と香辛料. Manga will be more or less randomly interspersed as I feel like it. I will also probably be starting to tackle umineko with the Umineko: When They Cry 🔎 🧙 - Visual Novel Informal Club, but since I haven’t actually done a test read for it I’m not sure how much of it I’ll be able to manage in this time frame
Looking forward to participating in the “summer” (winter here though…) reading challenge. Did (& am still doing) the last challenge and have so far managed to read one episode of a Satori Reader story every day except for one. This time I’m planning to read one new SR episode & review one SR episode every day - this plan might change depending on how I feel.
Full home post coming eventually, but once again I’ll be joining this challenge, at least for the two month version. I’ll probably finish out my annual manga volume goal so I imagine it’s going to be more novel and game heavy than prior challenges.
My hope is to spend some time reading manga every day; I am working my way through the よつばと!series, but I may shake it up from time to time with something else from my shelf…
At the end of this challenge, I will have a 1-year reading streak provided I keep reading every day.
俺物語 2 つづく
第4話 つづく
1st July
Read pgs. 68-70.
2nd July
Read pgs. 71-74.
3rd July
Read pgs. 75-78.
4th July
Read pgs. 79-89.
5th July
Read pgs. 90-95. End of 第4話。
Skipped page 96 because it’s a full kanji page with no furigana. (Also, the font is too tiny for me to read on my tablet.)
I’m level 16, but my grammar is lacking, which is why I’ve been putting off reading for a while. I hope to read articles from Todaii/easy japanese or I may pull out my old copy of Dragonball or Shirokuma Cafe! I can’t just keep studying kanji and expect comprehension, right?
chip away at bravely default. someone mentioned you can swap to jp even in other versions and i was like great! perfect chance to actually finish this thing. think i gave up at the second (third?) cycle last time (90 hours in ) so we’ll see how far i get started a new game so i’m a small way through the prologue, just met ringabel and unlocked d’s diary (which gives you a whopping 158 pages of diary upfront, plus other stuff) so i’ll be doing that for a while i think. helpfully the fan wiki has a very comprehensive translations page for if i get stuck
bravely default is kind of taxing, so in between that i’ll be going back to using a randomiser to help me get through my bookwalker backlog.
usual other stuff, so an nhk article every weekday and an entry or two in aDoAJG
bonus round!
i’ve not read much (at all, tbh) in english recently, and i miss it! i’ve got a stack of unread books on my shelf that i’d like to actually read sometime soon so thought this might be a good way to keep myself accountable and get back in the habit. gonna tentatively aim for two total (one per month) and see where we land.
currently reading
bravely default
予知夢 by 東野圭吾
revenant gun by yoon ha lee (eng book)
previously read
東京トイボックス (digital edition) vol 1
テイルズ・オブ・シンフォニア manga vol 1
all that remains by sue black (english book)
axiom’s end by lindsey ellis (english book)
光が死んだ夏 5
one last song by nathan evans (eng book)
寄生獣 4 + 5 + 6 + 7 + 8 + 9 + 10
江戸時代大百科 vol 1
raven stratagem (eng book)
Hi! First of all, thank you for organising!
It’s my first time participating in a challenge like this, I hope I’ll make it till the end.
For now I think I’ll continue reading volume 2 of 気になってる人が男じゃなかった and maybe some news articles here and there. I’m also planning on playing stardew valley, hopefully that counts :DD
Summer has finally came and my workload with uni has came to an deserving halt for a month or two. I haven’t been reading as much as I wanted to these last 2 seasons but I hope I’ll get better at it down the line. Sixth time participating!
my plans
I’m planning on finishing books that I couldn’t finish last season and also read some new ones. I also plan to get into Higurashi with VNs so I’ll probably be posting about that too.
I’ll use my standart format which I write a sentence or two in Japanese about the progress on the novel I read that day so that might help you get some reading even when you’re scrolling here.
Planned Books: いのちの食べ方 2 (Finished on July 14 ) - 3/ How to Eat Life 夜行秘密 / Yakou Himitsu
Am I going to just immediately disappear again? Maybe! But I’ll try to post some updates on what I’m doing; I’ve been reading every day for a while now. No calendar, just (hopefully) posts.
Starting soon:
The Legend of Heroes: Trails in the Sky FC (Videogame)
Edit: Right, forgot I’m in the middle of the game Like a Dragon: Infinite Wealth, too. That one is slightly on hiatus and all over the line between listening and reading, but I might pick it back up while this is going.