📚📚 Read every day challenge - Spring 2023 🌸🌷🌼

looking forward to doing another one of these! it really helped me get through the most difficult parts of 蟲師

my only real goal for this one is to finish kiki’s delivery service, which i started last year (september apparently, yikes) and got burnt out at about 60% of the way through. also gonna be joining the ouran book club in may, which is exciting! i might try and make a start on 逆転検事, we’ll see.

currently reading

桜蘭高校(おうらん)ホスト() - reading in detail, book club
(おとうと)(おっと) vol 1 - reading in detail
granblue fantasy - working my way through events and plot atm, not doing too many look-ups. update: fate episodes galore :joy:

previously read

呪術廻戦 vol 2 - read in detail
性別(せいべつ)「モナリザ」の(きみ)へ (vol 1) - read in detail
魔女(まじょ)宅急便(たっきゅうびん) - read in detail
ワニトカゲギス (vol 1) - smooth read
ワニ男爵(だんしゃく) (vol 1) - smooth read
逆転検事(ぎゃくてんけんじ) - read in detail
無抵抗主義(むていこうしゅぎ) - read in detail
死にたがりの完全犯罪(かんぜんはんざい)部屋(へや)()七時前(しちじまえ)(あめ) - read in detail, managed about 30 pages (full chapter was 45)
殺し愛 (chapters 1-3) - read in detail
メタモルフォーゼの縁側(えんがわ) vol 1 - read in detail
(ひかる)()んだ(なつ) vols 1 + 2 - read in detail
(わたし)(ただ)しいお(にい)ちゃん - smooth read
ミステリーと()(なか)れ - reading in detail (abandoned, switched to the drama instead)

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winter 2023