πŸ“šπŸ“š Read Japanese Every Day Challenge - Summer 2024 πŸ–πŸ‰πŸ

21st august

home post

:sunny: Title Type Natively Progress
:microscope: 予ηŸ₯ε€’(γ‚ˆγ‘γ‚€) novel 33 pg 0-25
:gem: ブレむブγƒͺγƒΌγƒ‡γƒ•γ‚©γƒ«γƒˆ game N/A tiny bit of plot
:milky_way: raven strategem eng book N/A 273-299
:black_nib: aDoAJG grammar N/A pg 232-240

aDoAJG entries were ことから and ことに

this nhk article (future of bookshops)

i’m making a start on galileo series book 2, 予ηŸ₯ε€’(γ‚ˆγ‘γ‚€)! i really liked book one and book two is already starting off strong so i’m looking forward to it! bravely default continues also loves to use kanji that don’t come across well on a 3DS screen (see below), i’m so glad the plot sections are voiced.

guess the kanji



words that stood out

bravely default:
η₯ˆη₯·(きとう) - prayer, grace (at meals)
θΎΊ(γ»γ¨γ‚Š) - side (of a waterbody e.g. lake)
励衷(γ‚Œγ„γ) - excitation (physics/electricity)

反芻(はんすう) - rumination. idk what it is about this word but it just won’t stick
γ‚ͺーエス - heave ho! (from french oh hisse)
ζ—©(はや)い話(はγͺし)が - in short, in a nutshell, in a word
ε‡Ί(い)で立(た)け - outfit, dress
雨樋(あまどい) - drainspout, gutter