Welcome to the “Read Japanese Every Single Day For A Whole Summer” Challenge!
I want to challenge myself by reading every day this summer and want to write a bit about it, so this will be like a journal or study log of sorts. I’m inspired by senpais like @Naphthalene, @Vanilla, @Ditto20 and @Valkow, who seem to consume Japanese books in just a few days or less, and that sounds awesome. I want to be able to do that too, and reading a bunch for two whole months will surely bring me one step closer to that. And I’d love for people to join in on the challenge!
This is a thread for people who:
want to spend time reading a bunch this summer
want to improve their reading speed and comprehension,
want to hold themselves accountable and have a place to document their progress,
simply wants to join in on the challenge of reading every day for two or so months
Time frame: June 1 - July 31 (or whenever summer vacation starts/ends for you)
Your reading materials can be whatever you want, be it manga, light novels, books, visual novels, magazines, graded readers, satori reader, or Japanese games, you name it, anything goes as long as it is something in Japanese
Threads worth checking out
I recommend checking out The News Reading Challenge thread if you’d like to read news articles every day, but you are of course welcome to post about it in this thread too if you’d like to.
The "news reading" challenge 🗞
If you don’t know where to find reading material I recommend checking out the Immersion/Reading section of the following thread:
The Ultimate Additional Japanese Resources List!
There’s also quite a few book clubs here on the forum, some of them have vocab lists which can make for an easier reading experience. A list of book clubs can be found here:
Master List of Book Clubs
- Yes
- Yes, but I might start late
- Not sure
- No
0 voters