📚 📚 Read Japanese Every Day Challenge - Spring 2024 🌸 🍡 🌱

🌸Nyx's Home Post🌸

new season new challenge! thanks to DIO-Berry for hosting again! :sunny:

plan for this one is a bit more concrete than the last one cos i ended up reading a bunch of different things and felt a bit spread thin, which wasn’t helped by getting sick right at the end of the challenge. so!

  • finish ouran (i’m so close!! one vol left!! should actually finish it before the challenge properly starts but you never know)
  • finish no.6 vol 2 and 3. i haven’t touched no.6 since i started focusing on ouran and i really want to get back to it
  • finish the bakumatsu book. i’m about two thirds of the way through, so this should (:crossed_fingers:) be doable. also want to keep using it for translation practice, but i’m prepping for n2 (specifically using the skm listening book) so that might have to wait until summer
  • assuming i manage that, i’m gonna read すきまのおともだちたち, which i’ve said i’m gonna read in two separate challenges now but i’m actually doing it this time!
  • plus every (week)day i’m gonna do an nhk news article and an entry or two in aDoIJG cos i’ve fallen off reading it in the off month
currently reading

previously read

no.6 vol 2 + 3
wind breaker vol 1
bakumatsu book
スクールゾーン vol 1

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previous challenges
winter 2024
autumn 2023
summer 2023
spring 2023
winter 2022

bookmeter (i also put what i’m reading in english on here, for those curious)

natively (this gets updated a lot less frequently than bookmeter but i try my best)