📚📚 Read every day challenge - Summer 2021 🏖🏖


  • try to finish things rather than being one chapter into a bunch of things at a time
  • keep up with book club reads
  • read a chapter a day (if manga), or 2 pages (if novel)

Currently reading
魔女の宅急便1(bookclub schedule):| 1 | 2
よつばと3:(bookclub schedule)|15 1617 | 18|19|20|21|
ハイキュー4 | 26 | 27 | 28 | 29 | 30 | 31 | 32 | 33 | 34 |
NO.6 1 (ライトノベル)| 5% | 10% | 15% | 18% (end chapter 1)| 23| 26 | 30%| 39%| 49% | 54% | 56% | 58%| 60%| 62%|


Days read
| June | 月 | 火 | 水 | 木 | 金 | 土 | 日 |
|Week 22| | | | | | | [ x] |
|Week 23| | | | | | | |
|Week 24| | | | | | |
|Week 25| | | | | | | |
|Week 26| | | |

Week 26
Week 27
Week 28
Week 29
Week 30

Daily updates


June 1was super tired/busy today but managed to read a few pages of 魔女の宅急便 at least! might also read a little bit of ナルト as well before bed (I tend to read that in ‘only look up a word if I really can’t get it from context’ style cos it’s my chill out manga so it’s way lower energy than a novel). First day done! :slight_smile:
June 2 chapter 6 ナルト- 20 pages.
June 3 chapter 7 ナルト- 18 pages. Finished the first volume! And it’s a cliffhanger so I might be back in to update this later if I can’t help myself reading on…(update - I was correct, I ended up coming back and reading the next chapter (another 20 pages I think). However that chapter ended in a better stopping place so I might try to pick やがて君になる back up tomorrow.)
June 4 ボーイズ・ラン・ザ・ライオット 1 chapter, 72 pages.
June 5 Finished chapter of やがて君になる, about 14 pages (was sick so couldn’t read much :pensive:)
**June 6 ** ボ−イズ…ch2 (33p) ナルト-ch9
June 7 やがて君になる ch8
June 8 やがて君になる ch9
june 9 kikis, finished ch1 (2 pages)
June 10 ボーイズ ch3 (30 pages)
June 11 ch4
June 12 ナルトc10,11,12 - 61pages
June 13 ボーイズ ch5,6,7 (65 pages) - end of first volume!
June 14 Almost didn’t read anything but Yotsuba saved me! Read one chapter :slight_smile:
June 15-20 didn’t record things daily but did still read every day. during this time I finished off やがて君になる、read some more ハイキュー、よつばと and ナルト。
June 21 Post
June 22 & 23 here
June 24 here
June 25 update here
**June 26-27 ** 鬼滅の刃 up to vol2 chapter 15
June 28 Last two chapters 鬼滅の刃2 post here
June 29 one chapter of ハイキュー、first two chapters 鬼滅の刃3
June 30 three chapters 鬼滅の刃3
July 1 pretty sure I read 3 chapters 鬼滅の刃3…looks like I messed up recording yesterday so it’s a little confusing.
July 2 &3 finished 鬼滅の刃3 & ナルト2
July 4 & 5 finished Haikyuu 3 (last chapter and extra)
**July 6 ** 1 chapter それで歩は寄せてくる
July 7 1 chapter 鬼滅の刃4 (20 pages)
July 12 & 13 both days read 3 chapters 鬼滅の刃, to finish 4th vol
July 14 3 chapters 鬼滅の刃5、roughly 1 hr reading time
July 15 6 chapters 鬼滅の刃5(finished vol), NO.6 (1) - 5% (kindle)
**July 16 ** 5% NO.6 (took 1hr 6m)
July 17 5% NO.6
July 18 & 19 more no.6, up to 23%
July 20 NO. 6 to 26%
July 21 no.6 to 30%
July 22 No.6 to 39%