This year I’ve read mostly manga (60 volumes) and 11 books.
Some of the manga:
- ふらいんぐうぃっち, read 6 volumes. Very chill and refreshing series. Cute cats :3
- ハイキュー!!, read the remaining 5 volumes of the series. My first manga series ever. It has come to an end. What a journey it has been ;-;
- ノラガミ, 3 volumes. I feel like there was a lot of archaic language, ancient spells kind of deal. Fantasy setting obviously.
- やがて君になる, all 8 volumes. Great art. I can’t remember much, but I’m sure it was cute.
- この音とまれ!, 20 volumes. Most of the series was available for free, so I binged it over the summer. Enjoyed it a lot.
- ゆるキャン , 5 volumes. Lots of food and great scenery (almost too much food)
- わたしが恋人になれるわけないじゃん、ムリムリ! (※ムリじゃなかった!?), 3 volumes. Cute romcom :3
- 博士の愛した数式, heartwarming but had too many maths and baseball for my liking xD
- コンビニ人間, interesting take on the Japanese society. Favorite meme: joumon jidai.
- すべてがFになる, mysterious mystery, quite the plot twist at the end.
- 冷たい密室と博士たち, more mystery.
- ソードアートオンライン, book 7 and 8.
- 本好きの下剋上, book 2 to 7. Definitely my favorite reading material this year, especially book 7.
Are you satisfied with your progresse on your Japanese learning/reading journey?
I started reading books last year and it was painfully slow. I still have a long way to go in terms of unknown words, but my reading speed has definitely picked up since the start of the year. I’ve still yet to finish a book in less than a week, but I’ll try to make it happen next year. Gotta gather all my inner focus.
I think srs-ing more of the words I come across could be a good idea
Was 2021 a good year for you in terms of reading?
I’d say yes. The Read Every Day Challenge (summer) was a very spontaneous idea and I’m glad I posted it. Going into that summer (just having finished my bachelor degree in Japanese), I really wanted to spend that summer just reading as much as I could, before starting a new semester completely unrelated to Japanese studies. I thought there wasn’t going to be time for Japanese stuffs so I wanted to make the most out of the summer. Fortunately, while this autumn has been a busy semester, there were tiny bits of time where I could devote to reading. Yay! Overall, a good year for reading :3