Welcome to the 魔女の宅急便 Repeat Book Club
This book was originally read by the Beginner Book Club in early 2018. This thread is for a group ‘re-read’ in 2020.
If you want to take part… just buy the book and join in the discussion! We started on 27 June, so you have a little catching up to do. Please also set this thread to “watching” in order to receive notifications - click the bell icon just beneath the blue reply button.
We will be making ample use of the resources generated by the Original 魔女の宅急便 Book Club, including their pre-populated vocab spreadsheet and existing discussion threads, where many questions will already have been answered.
Buy the Book
Guide to different editions
Version 1 - has furigana (not full), and contains illustrations:
Version 2 - essentially no furigana, and no illustrations:
Version 3 - essentially no furigana, and no illustrations:
The eBook is effectively Version 2.
Check out the audiobook too if you’re interested in listening to the text as well as reading it.
V1 - Red Border | V2 - Block Blue | V3 - Balloons |
V1 CDJapan | V2 CDJapan | V3 CDJapan |
V1 Amazon | V2 Amazon | V3 Amazon |
V2 Verasia |
If you haven’t used Amazon JP before, note that you will need a separate account.
CD Japan has (slow) economy shipping options available so is usually cheaper.
BookWalker | Kobo | Kindle
Reading Schedule & Discussion Threads
We are using the discussion threads of the original book club, which were separated by chapter. I will post in those threads each week to indicate the start of our discussion, and post the link to that point in this thread.
Week | Start Date | Chapter | V1 Pages | V2 Pages | V2 Count |
1 | June 27th | 1・お話のはじまり | 9 - 17 | 7 - 13 | 7 |
2 | July 4th | 2・キキ、ひとり立ちの時をむかえる | 18 - 31 | 14 - 26 | 13 |
3 | July 11th | 3・キキ、大きな町におり立つ | 32 - 44 | 27 - 37 | 11 |
4 | July 18th | 3・キキ、大きな町におり立つ | 44 - 59 | 37 - 51 | 13 |
5 | July 25th | 3・キキ、大きな町におり立つ | 59 - 70 | 51 - 61 | 11 |
6 | August 1st | 4・キキ、お店をひらく | 71 - 84 | 62 - 74 | 13 |
7 | August 8th | 4・キキ、お店をひらく | 84 - 98 | 75 - 87 | 13 |
8 | August 15th | 5・キキ、一大事にあう | 99 - 110 | 88 - 98 | 11 |
9 | August 22nd | 5・キキ、一大事にあう | 110 - 123 | 99 - 110 | 12 |
10 | August 29th | 6・キキ、ちょっといらいらする | 124 - 137 | 111 - 124 | 13 |
11 | September 5th | 6・キキ、ちょっといらいらする | 138 - 150 | 124 - 135 | 12 |
12 | September 12th | 7・キキ、ひとの秘密をのぞく | 151 - 163 | 136 - 147 | 12 |
13 | September 19th | 7・キキ、ひとの秘密をのぞく | 163 - 177 | 148 - 160 | 13 |
- | September 26th | Break: opportunity to catch up | - | - | - |
14 | October 3rd | 8・キキ、船長んおなやみを解決する | 178 - 189 | 161 - 171 | 11 |
15 | October 10th | 8・キキ、船長んおなやみを解決する | 189 - 200 | 172 - 181 | 10 |
16 | October 17th | 9・キキ、お正月を運ぶ | 201 - 210 | 182 - 191 | 9 |
17 | October 24th | 9・キキ、お正月を運ぶ | 211 - 221 | 191 - 200 | 10 |
18 | October 31st | 10・キキ、春の音を運ぶ | 222 - 231 | 201 - 209 | 9 |
19 | November 7th | 10・キキ、春の音を運ぶ | 231 - 240 | 210 - 218 | 9 |
20 | November 14th | 11・キキ、里帰りする | 241 - 253 | 219 - 230 | 12 |
21 | November 21st | 11・キキ、里帰りする | 253 - 265 | 231 - 241 | 11 |
Some members followed a ‘headstart’ schedule that began on the 13th of June to give them a more gentle introduction to the book.
If you have the old hardback edition of V1, itsjonw has provided a suggested reading schedule.
Vocabulary Resources
The original club put together a fantastic vocabulary sheet as they went. It has been locked so that it can’t be edited, but is fairly comprehensive.
We also have a fresh spreadsheet to use for this club. This will allow us to add extra information, correct any errors, etc. Please feel free to contribute following the guidelines on the first sheet.
There are several resources available if you'd like to study the vocabulary
There is a FloFlo list for this book now, although FloFlo is no longer being supported in favour of the newer Koohi. So, if you’re on the new site check out the Koohi list instead.
On FloFlo and Koohi, you could learn some of the most frequent words in advance, or use the list to learn as you read.
Sharpevil has put together a full Anki deck tagged by chapter so that you can add words as you go.
Finally, AmomentOfMusic has put together a Memrise course based on the vocab spreadsheets.
Are you planning to read 魔女の宅急便 with us?
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If you’ve read it before but will join in the discussion, please select ‘yes’!