After Book One 前編 we ended up going on a Hiatus, leading to some of us continuing to continue reading on their own, without a schedule. Because of this there are no weekly threads for those parts. Instead, to have a place to talk about the second half of the story, there are threads for each 後編・前編 from there on out.
Book One 前編 threads
Book One Chapter 1: 青豆:見かけにだまされないように
Book One Chapter 2: 天吾:ちょっとした別のアイデア
Book One Chapter 3: 青豆:変更されたいくつかの事実
Book One Chapter 4: 天吾:あなたがそれを望むのであれば
Book One Chapter 5: 青豆:専門的な技能と訓練が必要とされる職業
Book One Chapter 6: 天吾:我々はかなり遠くまで行くのだろうか?
Book One Chapter 7: 青豆:蝶を起こさないようにとても静かに
Book One Chapter 8: 天吾:知らないところに行って 知らない誰かに会う
Book One Chapter 9: 青豆:風景が変わり、ルールが変わった
Book One Chapter 10: 天吾:本物の血が流れる実物の革命
Book One Chapter 11: 青豆:肉体こそが人間にとっての神殿である
Book One Chapter 12: 天吾:あなたの王国が私たちにもたらされますように
Book One 後編 threads
Book One Chapter 13: 青豆:生まれながらの被害者
Book One Chapter 14: 天吾:ほとんどの読者がこれまで目にしたことのないものごと
Book One Chapter 15: 青豆:気球に碇をつけるみたいにしっかりと
Book One Chapter 16: 天吾:気に入ってもらえてとても嬉しい
Book One Chapter 17: 青豆:私たちが幸福になろうが、不幸になろうが
Book One Chapter 18: 天吾:もうビッグ・ブラザーの出てくる幕はない
Book One Chapter 19: 青豆:秘密を分かち合う女たち
Book One Chapter 20: 天吾:気の毒なギリアーク人
Chapter 21: 青豆:どれほど遠いところに行こうと試みても
Chapter 22: 天吾:時間がいびつなかたちをとって進み得ること
Chapter 23: 青豆:これは何かの始まりに過ぎない
Chapter 24: 天吾:ここではない世界であることの意味はどこにあるのだろう
Book Two 前編 threads
Book Two Chapter 1: 青豆:あれは世界でいちばん退屈な町だった
Book Two Chapter 2: 天吾:魂のほかには何も持ち合わせていない
Book Two Chapter 3: 青豆:生まれ方は選べないが、死に方は選べる
Book Two Chapter 4: 天吾:そんなことは望まない方がいいのかもしれない
Book Two Chapter 5: 青豆:一匹のネズミが菜食主義の猫に出会う
Book Two Chapter 6: 天吾:我々はとても長い腕を持っています
Book Two Chapter 7: 青豆:あなたがこれから足を踏み入れようとしているのは
Book Two Chapter 8: 天吾:そろそろ猫たちがやってくる時刻だ
Book Two Chapter 9: 青豆:恩寵の代償として届けられるもの
Book Two Chapter 10: 天吾:申し出は拒絶された
Book Two Chapter 11: 青豆:均衡そのものが善なのだ
Book Two Chapter 12: 天吾:指では数えられないもの
Book Two 後編
Book Three 前編
Book Three 後編
Thought I’d bite the bullet and just get a thread going. I’ve had the book for two years, now, and read a couple chapters. But I never managed to get very far, and my Japanese teacher keeps mentioning to other students that “Saida is reading Murakami”. And I always have to respond I’m really not. So let’s read together, and hopefully we can help each other get through this! I’m a book club virgin, so to speak, and very open to suggestions and improvements!
Here are a couple tags for people who have expressed interest in the last 24 hours: @Belerith @morteasd @NicoleIsEnough @Kyayna.
Other people, free to join! I think one issue with this book is availability? It’s not on any ebook platforms asfar as I know, so might be hard to come by in time, if you don’t happen to have it already. Thanks to @rwesterhof for providing the ISBN numbers!
1Q84 ISBN-13 | hardcover | paperback |
1 | 978-4103534228 | part 1: 978-4101001593, part 2: 978-4101001609 |
2 | 978-4103534235 | part 3: 978-4101001616, part 4: 978-4101001623 |
3 | 978-4103534259 | part 5: 978-4101001630, part 6: 978-4101001647 |
Things to figure out before starting:
- Timing. When do we start?
I’ll start a reading thread in the last weekend of July - Pace. How do we break up the book, and how much time do we get to finish each section?
Two weeks per chapter - Resources. Will we start a wordlist? In Excel? Google sheets?
Probably not necessary/feasible - Do we want to do live readings on Discord?
Not decided yet - Probably some more important stuff I can’t think of.
Poll time!
- Will try my best to read along every step of the way
- Will read at my own pace
- Have already read the book, will try my best not to spoil anything
- Want to read along, but how long does it take to get the book shipped to my front door?
- Just here for the discussion, not the reading
For those who have been reading after the original club, track your progress here!
- I’ve started 1Q84
- Book 1 前編
- Book 1 後編
- Book 2 前編
- Book 2 後編
- Book 3 前編
- I’ve finished 1Q84
- Actively Reading
- On Hiatus
- Finished
- Decided not to continue