Book One Chapter 20: 天吾:気の毒なギリアーク人Haruki Murakami's 1Q84

Chapter 20, people! It’s here! Have fun reading and discussing!

First things first:

Refer to Hashing out the details for reading Murakami Haruki’s 1Q84 (Intermediate/Advanced Book) for links to the threads of the 前編 for book 1.

Thread schedule

Book One Chapter 13: 青豆:生まれながらの被害者 Haruki Murakami’s 1Q84

Book One Chapter 14: 天吾:ほとんどの読者がこれまで目にしたことのないものごと Haruki Murakami’s 1Q84

Book One Chapter 15: 青豆:気球に碇をつけるみたいにしっかりと Haruki Murakami’s 1Q84

21-02-2021: Break

Book One Chapter 16: 天吾:気に入ってもらえてとても嬉しい Haruki Murakami’s 1Q84

Book One Chapter 17: 青豆:私たちが幸福になろうが、不幸になろうが Haruki Murakami’s 1Q84

Book One Chapter 18: 天吾:もうビッグ・ブラザーの出てくる幕はない Haruki Murakami’s 1Q84

Book One Chapter 19: 青豆:秘密を分かち合う女たち Haruki Murakami’s 1Q84

Book One Chapter 20: 天吾:気の毒なギリアーク人Haruki Murakami’s 1Q84

04-04-2021: Chapter 21

11-04-2021: Chapter 22

18-04-2021: Chapter 23

25-04-2021: Chapter 24

Warnings (read please!)

This story contains themes of an adult and/or sensitive nature, including cults, sex, murder, and sexual abuse of children, both mentioned, and graphic (though not until Book 2, in the latter case).

Our character's journey so far.

I’m a bit behind, so nothing to see here, folks!


Let’s end with a rough translation of the title:

Chapter 18: Tengo: The regrettable Giriark People. (I have no idea who these people are!

Now, poll time:

  • I’m reading along

  • I’m still reading book, but I haven’t reached this part yet

  • I’ve finished this part

  • I’m no longer reading the book

0 voters

While this chapter didn’t make things any clearer, it also didn’t make them weirder. I’ll call that a win! :smiley:

The hardest parts for me this chapter, language wise, were that other story. It makes sense since it’s not the style I got used to over 500+ pages, but:sweat_smile: In any case it was also pretty interesting!

I’d never heard of them either!


I think ‘pitiable’ might be a better fit in this case. :thinking:

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