Chapter 16, about 18 hours behind schedule, apologies!
First things first: refer to Hashing out the details for reading Murakami Haruki’s 1Q84 (Intermediate/Advanced Book) for links to the threads of the 前編 for book 1.
We started on a two week per chapter schedule, but decided to speed up towards the end of the 前編, so we will go ahead with a one chapter one week schedule for the next 12 chapters as well.
Thread schedule
Book One Chapter 13: 青豆:生まれながらの被害者 Haruki Murakami’s 1Q84
Book One Chapter 14: 天吾:ほとんどの読者がこれまで目にしたことのないものごと Haruki Murakami’s 1Q84
Book One Chapter 15: 青豆:気球に碇をつけるみたいにしっかりと Haruki Murakami’s 1Q84
21-02-2021: Break
Book One Chapter 16: 天吾:気に入ってもらえてとても嬉しい Haruki Murakami’s 1Q84
Book One Chapter 17: 青豆:私たちが幸福になろうが、不幸になろうが Haruki Murakami’s 1Q84
Book One Chapter 18: 天吾:もうビッグ・ブラザーの出てくる幕はない Haruki Murakami’s 1Q84
Book One Chapter 19: 青豆:秘密を分かち合う女たち Haruki Murakami’s 1Q84
Book One Chapter 20: 天吾:気の毒なギリアーク人Haruki Murakami’s 1Q84
04-04-2021: Chapter 21
11-04-2021: Chapter 22
18-04-2021: Chapter 23
25-04-2021: Chapter 24
Warnings (read please!)
This story contains themes of an adult and/or sensitive nature, including cults, sex, murder, and sexual abuse of children, both mentioned, and graphic (though not until Book 2, in the latter case).
Our character's journey so far.
The friendship between Aomame and the police officer Ayumi, and she gets another shokc as she becomes aware of another big difference between her old world, and the parallel dimension: there seem to be two moons in the night sky!
Let’s start off with a rough translation of the title:
Chapter 15: Aomame: Will we be happy or unhappy? (Here’s a test to see if any of you read my attempts at translating the title, though I guess the extra long blurry text will tip of some of you : I’m not sure what this なろうが grammar means exactly, does anybody know?
Now, poll time:
- I’m reading along
- I’m still reading book, but I haven’t reached this part yet
- I’ve finished this part
- I’m no longer reading the book
0 voters