11th april
read the renshuu harder book club pick, which was a long but not too challenging read about two women and aromanticism and asexuality. got a little worried about where it was going halfway through but was unfounded, liked this one a fair bit. also started すきまのおともだちたち! turning out a bit trickier than i thought cos there’s limited furigana and quite a few new words, but the actual style itself is very easy to follow so far imo. seems like a talking plate is going to drive a car, so we’ll see how that goes
today’s nhk article was this one, and the entries on と and と同時に in aDoIJG (both quite long).
words that stood out
手提げ - handbag, hand basket
お待ちどおさま - i’m sorry to have kept you waiting
物慣れる - to become skillful (usu. past tense, meaning skilled, experienced, etc.)
言下 - promptly. jp definition clarifies as 相手が言い終わったすぐあと。言い終わるか終わらないうち