📚📚 Read Japanese Every Day Challenge - Spring 2024 🌸🍡🌱

16th may

home post

pg 116-135 of ガリレオ and finished case 2! this went in a more predictable direction than the last one but was good fun so it’s all good. i’ve been telling my parents (who like crime dramas) about each case as i’ve been reading them and my dad basically nailed the how for this one, so we’ll see how he does on the next one :joy: there’s a kind of rube goldberg feel to how some of these cases happen tho

today’s nhk article was this one, plus appendix 1 in aDoIJG

words that stood out: new kanji edition

鸚鵡返(おうむがえ)し - parroting back, repeating another’s words (like a parrot)
閃光(せんこう) - glint of light
碍子(がいし) - insulator (for electricity)
痙攣(けいれん) - spasm, convulsion. i think i’ve seen this before but the kanji trip me up every time
避雷針(ひらいしん) - lightning rod. makes sense!