6th may
back to ガリレオ! didn’t quite finish the case cos it’s a bank holiday so i was spending time with family but did manage ten pages. everything else was pixiv.
today’s nhk article was this one, plus the entry on わけだ in aDoIJG
i only ever read in the morning, doing more intensive stuff (books, manga, games etc.) during the weekdays and lighter stuff over the weekend to avoid burnout. i prefer physical books but that’s not always practical (or cheap) so it tends to be whatever i have to hand. i use my laptop for lookups (jisho, yomichan) unless i have no internet then i use shirabe jisho on my phone.
ig i read intensively? i don’t really look up grammar anymore, but all the words i lookup labelled ‘common’ go into anki for SRS, and then I have a separate spreadsheet of everything else with formatting so i can see any repeats and if anything’s worth dedicating time to learning. takes longer but is helping with some leeches.