📚📚 Read Japanese Every Day Challenge - Spring 2024 🌸🍡🌱

9th may

finished case one of ガリレオ! was right on the how but wrong on everything else so that shows me :joy: it’s weird, there’ll be pages at a time where i’ll look up maybe one word, and then a clump of ones where i’m looking at least one up every sentence. すきとも felt much more balanced than this :thinking:

also is natively having issues or is that just me? probably just me but i thought i’d ask

today’s nhk article was this one (long), plus the two やる entries in aDoIJG

words that stood out

延髄(えんずい) - medulla oblongata
百聞(ひゃくぶん)一見(いっけん)()かず - seeing is believing
(もと)()もない - losing everything, coming to nothing
糸鋸(いとのこ) - fretsaw. instant flashbacks to ace attorney and my boy gumshoe