📚📚 Read Japanese Every Day Challenge - Spring 2024 🌸🍡🌱

29th may

home post

read pg 265-290 of ガリレオ and honestly no idea where this one’s going but i’m sure it’ll make (some) sense in 20 pages or so. this one’s different to the others in that it’s not trying to find out who did it, or how, but prove that only one guy could’ve done it.

today’s nhk article was this one (marine life!) and special topics 5 (metaphors) and 6 (number marking) in aDoIJG

words that stood out

迫真(はくしん) - realistic, true to life
幽体離脱(ゆうたいりだつ) - out of body experience
ネオジム - neodymium
執拗(しつよう) - persistent, stubborn, relentless, insistent. related to しつこい
夏場(なつば) - summertime, summer season