14th may
more ガリレオ, read from pg 90-109, with some questions answered and plenty new ones to chew over. also read the intermediate for this week’s renshuu book club, which is about two witches who need to climb a giant to burn the tree growing on its head and it was very good, would recommend! a bit emotional in places and the art is gorgeous! vertical scrolling tho for people who mind about that
today’s nhk article was this one (which i thought would be longer but whatever), and the entries on よう2 and より in aDoIJG
<軽量鉄骨>[けいりょうてっこつ] - light gauge steel
<散弾銃>[さんだんじゅう] - shotgun. makes sense!
<噴霧乾燥>[ふんむかんそう] - spray drying