📚📚 Read Japanese Every Day Challenge - Spring 2024 🌸🍡🌱

20th may

home post

pg 135-148 of ガリレオ which is the opening two bits of case 3. a little busy so far compared to the other two? it throws a lot of names at you at once, which is terrible for me but other people might cope better.

today’s nhk article was this one, plus appendix 3 (compound particles) in aDoIJG

words that stood out

軍手(ぐんて) - work gloves, cotton gloves. now i’m looking at this again i might have seen it somewhere else before?
吝嗇(りんしょく)() - miser.
壊死(えし) - necrosis. was part of wordplay in the title of the story, which is 壊死(くさ)

sure! caveat: it’s a fan artist, so it features characters they draw often, and is about something they wanted to draw for the birthday of one of the characters. the relevant bit starts at pg 10, and if you wanna skip that there’s an あとがき of sorts that starts at pg 25 which explains things more fully.