Hey Everyone!
First of all, welcome to WaniKani. We’re a quirky community of fellow language learners.
On the old forum, there used to be a thread, Post Noob Questions Here.
Basically, I’m reviving that idea, since both threads are archived and cannot be replied to.
Now that the forums are searchable, your question has probably already been answered.
Like “How do I make the little つ?” Answer: Double the consonant before it. Like in nikki にっき 「日記」. There are other methods as well.
Please make sure you read the FAQ and GUIDE. Many early questions are answered there. You can also search either of the links I’ve posted above - the old threads - I think some questions have been answered multiple times in there.
Still don’t see what you’re looking for? (Or too confused to search well or can’t even find the search?) Then post here!
Helpful Links
Here’s Koichi’s handy IME tutorial.
My explanation of On’yomi vs. Kun’yomi (and how it pertains to WaniKani reviews)
BreadstickNinja explains why you need to know On and Kun readings for Vocabulary.
Want to improve your WaniKani experience with userscripts?
How to install a userscript
WaniKani Ultimate Timeline and Dashboard Progress Plus by rfindley to plan your time.
I cannot recommend this thread enough: Riya’s “What Do I Do Now?” Thread. Contains many links of free and free-trial resources.
Learn from level 60s! (curated by @jprspereira)
You can only see these threads if you are level 10 or under:
Advice to Pleasants a thread made for new people, by new people, when they were still relatively new.
Hello to the Pleasants a thread of welcome!
(Old Unofficial FAQ - a few answers are outdated.)
Q: Where is the “community chat” that I’m supposed to say hello in? The checklist said…
A: Right here. The entire forum is considered the “community chat” - there is no actual chat room. You can introduce yourself over in the Introductions section if you like, or post anywhere you’re interested.