第4話 夏雲
Episode 4, Summer Clouds
Places and names↓
- 斉藤 英二郎 (さいとう えいじろう): the main character. He is an idealist who wants to be a doctor to help people as opposed to become rich.
- 永禄大学: the Eiroku (or Eternal Fortune) university, where Saitou graduated. Abbreviation: 永大.
- 誠同病院: Seidou hospital, a private hospital where Saitou did part-time job at night (on Episode 1). It paid well but was in conflict with Saitou’s values and beliefs.
- 服部 脩(はっとり おさむ): director of Seidou hospital.
- 牛田 克雄(うしだ かつお): doctor that worked at night at Seidou hospital. He told (on Ep.1) Saitou about how that hospital prefers traffic accidentees as their treatment is not regulated and can be billed four times more. And tries to get back in contact with Saitou, by phone (Ep.2) then by letter (Ep.3).
- 出久根 邦弥(でくね くにや): fellow intern that (Ep.2 & 3) trains with Saitou.
- 第一外科 : 1st surgery department. Eiroku U. follows the “super rotate” method, in which interns train on various different services in rotation; at Ep. 2 & 3 Saitou trains here.
- 春日部 一郎(かすかべ いちろう): nicknamed “God’s hands”, is a professor at the Eiroku University hospital that just do initial incisions, and otherwise is interested only in study of eels.
- 白鳥 貴久(しらとり たかひさ): doctor at the 1st surgery department. He is the instructor of Saitou and Dekune.
- 金子 敏夫(かねこ としお): the 75 year old person that got the surgery (Ep.2). Pr. Shiratori constantly say to Saitou that it is useless to do “too much” about him; later he reveals that nobody expects Mr. Kaneko to come back to life; the operation was a useless operation, done on instructions of Pr. Kasukabe, so that the hospital can get money from the family (Ep.3). Saitou has however been able to get his heart beat again.
The story so far : page by page↓
Each dropdown section reveals the original Japanese text, and its interpretation into English, on those pages
(click on the letter/number in front of each text to go to the post(s) with full details on analyzing the text)
1 : Narrator: 午前1時20分ー
金子敏夫(75歳)の容体が急変 心臓が停止する
At 1:20 in the morning, Kaneko Toshio (75 years old)'s condition took a sudden turn as his heart stopped beating. -
2 : Saitou: 生き返れ
Come back to life! -
3 : Pr. Kanukabe: 非常に申し上げにくい事ですが
It is an extremely delicate matter to say. -
4 : お父様の意識が回復する見込みはほぼなくなりました
Your father’s chance to recover consciousness are almost gone - 5 : 現在心臓マッサージでなんとか心拍は戻ってはいますが
- Currently, the heart is beating again after a cardiac massage, but…*
6 : 肝不全 心不全『に』加え 心停止による 低酸素[血]症で…
In addition to liver and heart failure, he had a cardiac arrest; the hypoxemia is damaging his brain
7 : Pr. Shiratori: どうしてそのまま死なせてやらなかった
Why didn’t you just let him die -
8 : やるなといった腹膜透析まで行うなんて…
What, you will perform even the peritoneal dialysis I told you not to do… -
9 : くどいようだが単なる延命処置は国民の医療費の無駄遣いだ
It may seem like I’m repeating myself, but but life lengthening measures is a waste of the nation’s medical resources/fees -
10 : Saitou: 白鳥先生…医者が患者を助けようとするのがそんなにいけない事ですか…
Doctor Shiratori, is it a wrong thing for a doctor to attempt to help and do other things like that for a patient -
11 : Pr. Shiratori: 私はこういう患者を何百も見てきた
I’ve also seen hundreds of patients like this one -
12 : 死にゆく者は静かにみとるべきだ
You should quietly care for a person who is dying/about to die -
13 : Saitou : それじゃあだまって死ぬのを見てろって言うんですか…?
So, you’re telling me to stay silent and keep watching [as] death [occurs]…? -
14 : Pr. Shiratori: その通りだ
That is so -
15 & 16 : Family: 難しい事『は』分かんね
I don’t understand difficult things
“We leave the decision up to you [doctors]”
Dr. Shiratori: 延命処置は中止させていただきます
We will stop the life prolonging treatment -
17 : Saitou: おじいさん… あなたは本当に意識がないんですか…?
Old man, are you really unconscious/not conscious? -
18 : もしかして目も口も体も働かなせなくて
Perhaps you can’t open move your eyes, your mouth as well as your body… -
19 : 自分の思ってる事を人に伝えられないだけじゃないんですか…?
…and that’s only that you cannot convey to others the things you’re thinking? -
20 : 教えて下さい… あなたは本当にこんな最後でいいんですか…?
Tell me please,… are you really ok with this being your final moments?
21 : Narrator: 7月6日ー
6th of July
Its been 3 days since the suspension of the life-prolonging measures
22 : 斉藤: 息子さんも誰も来なくなっちゃいましたね
It’s become such that neither his/your son nor anybody (else) comes, huh?
23 : 手術の時はあなたのために100万円も出したのに…
It cost 1 million yen for the surgery time for you…
24 & 25 : 死ぬ と 決まったら 見舞い に すら 来ない んです ね……
When it’s sure that (you) will die, (they) don’t come even for visits, eh?
なん だった んです か ね……?
What was (all) that, huh?
あの 100万円 は あなた へ の 餞別 だった のか な……?
Was that ¥100 000 a farewell gift for you(, perhaps)?
29 : Saitou: 伸びている ヒゲが伸びている
It’s growing. The beard is growing -
30 : “spectral” voice: 助けてくれよ先生
Help me doctor -
31 : お願いだよ先生…
Please doctor
I don’t want to die
32 : なんとかしてくれよ先生…
Do something for me, doctor…
A doctor is called “master” because he is excellent, isn’t he?
33 : Narrator: たとえ意識を回復する可能性が1%しかなかったとしても……
Even assuming that the chances of recovering consciousness were no more than 1%…
34 : 医療側の都合で治療をやめるのは間違いだ…
stopping a medical treatment due to medical staff circumstances is an error… -
35 : (recalling Dr Hattori words): どうせ死ぬなら腹を開けろ
In the case that he will die anyway, open the stomach -
36-38 : なんにもしないよりマシだ
It’s better than doing nothing
You are a doctor
Whether you are a newbie or yet inexperienced, you are a doctor
Saitou: 僕は医者だ…!
I am a doctor!
39 : Dr Shiratori: なんだね斎藤先生… 何か用かね
“What is it, doctor Saitou, what do you want/what is your purpose?” -
40 : Saitou: お願いします 金子さんに腹膜透析や輸血をやらせて下さい
Please let mister Kaneko do the dialysis and the blood transfusion -
41 : お願いします‼︎
Please, resume Mr Kaneko’s life prolonging measures again!
42 : Shiratori: 何度言わせる気だ
How many times are you planing to make me say this -
43 : 無駄な延命処置は社会悪だ
Life extension measures are a social ill/evil -
44 & 45 : 君はなんとなく手をつくした気になって自分を納得させたいだけど
However, you somehow feel as to try all possibilities and want to convince yourself
そんな 自己 満足 に 投じる 大金 は ない!
There aren’t large amounts of money to throw in such self complacent manner -
46 : Saitou: 初めて金子さんの手術をしている先生を見て時… 僕はちょっと感動しました…
You are the doctor who first participated in mister Kaneko’s surgery and from the time I’ve seen this it has moved me -
47 & 48 : 自分が病気になったとしてたら… 先生みたいな人に手術してもらいたいと思いました…
I thought I wanted to be operated by someone like you… If I get ill myself… -
49 & 50 : 先生はあの手術の時何を考えていたんですか…?
Doctor, what were you thinking at the time of the surgery?
If you thought that he would die no matter what… -
51 : なんであんなていねいな手術をしたんですか
“Why do such a conscientious surgery?” -
52 : Shiratori: 私は外科医だ
I’m a surgeon
I am proud of my job -
53 : Saitou: あのおじいさんを助けたかったからやじゃないんですか?
That’s why? Not because you wanted to save him!?
54 : 延命処置が医療財政を圧迫するのは確かです
Life extension measures puts pressure on the health financing of course. -
55 : でも1%でも可能性があれば目の前の患者をおうとするのが医者でしょう?
A doctor tries to save the patient in front of him even if there’s just 1% of success -
56 : Shiratori: 素人みたいな事言うな!
This is something an amateur would say!
That is the type of cheap doctor who closes the future of medical care finances -
57 : Saitou: だったら先生だって変ですよ!
“If that’s the case, it’s strange to be a doctor!”
Doctor, by doing meaningless surgeries you have put pressure on the healthcare finances…” -
58 : Shiratori: 教授の指示だ
“It’s the teacher’s instruction.”
“It’s not my intention” -
59 : Saitou: そんなのズルイですよ
“This is dishonest!”
“If the professor tells you to eat shit…” -
60 : Shiratori: そのくらいの覚悟だ!
"That’s how far I am ready to go!*
“I will definitely become one of that university’s professors in the future” -
61 & 62 : 教授になってまずはこの大学を変える…
I’ll become a professor, and at first I’ll change this university…
I’ll change the hospitals in connection with Eiroku University all around the country…
Then I’ll change the medical care of Japan! -
63 : 結果的に それがより多くの人救う道だ
Concerning the result, there are more ways to help people -
64 : Saitou: そんな理屈が聞きたいんじゃありまけん
I don’t want to hear that reason -
65 : 先生は あの患者さんをどう思ってるんですか?
Doctor… What are you thinking/what do you think about that patient?
66, 67, 68 : 先生はあの患者さん助けたくないんですか…?!
Doctor, don’t you want to help that patient?!
Resume the blood transfusion and the peritoneum dialysis
あの患者の担当医… 僕です…
I’m the doctor in charge of that patient
72 : Narrator: 治療を再開して間もなく…
No longer after treatment restarted… -
73 : おじいちゃんの家族は再びお見舞いに来るようになったー
… it turns that the grandfather’s family is coming to visit again -
74 : 白鳥先生… 僕にはこのおじいさんが生きたいと思ってるかどうか 本当は分かりません
Doctor Shiratori… I don’t know if that old man wants to live or not, I really don’t know -
75 & 76 : だけど… 少なくとも家族はこんなに強く生きて欲しいと願っています…
But at least the family strongly desires him to live
強く… Strongly…
77, 78, 79 : Narrator: 金子敏郎享年75歳
Kaneko Toshio, age of death 75 years
It was the first time I was in charge of a patient
Family: はい これで荷物は全部です
Yes, that is all the luggage (his luggage)
We really want to thank you -
80 : Saitou: 申し訳ありませんでした
I am truly sorry.
If I had more strength… -
81 : 先生… おじいちゃんが倒れた時なんとか助けて欲しいと思って
Doctor… When Grandpa collapsed we wanted you somehow save him
and we transferred 1,000,000Yen to the professor -
82 : だけどもし助かっても寝たきりになったら共働きだしどうしう?
Even if he is saved, what can two working people/working couple do if (the patient) is bedridden? -
83 : そんな気持ちも少しだけありました…
There’s also a little bit of /this feeling those feelings… -
84 : だから延命処置をやめになると言われた時
So, when we were called to stop the life extension measures we felt guilty and couldn’t come to the hospital
84b : じいちゃん『は』いい死『に』方『を』しました…
Grandfather died in a good way/it was a good way for our grandfather to pass away… - 85 : 最期まで…ありがとうございました…
Thank you… for seeing him through. -
86 : Narrator: 死に方にいいも悪いもない
There is no good nor bad way of dying. -
87 : 死ねば皆同じだ
We are all the same when dying
I couldn’t save that patient -
88 : Shiratori: 斎藤先生 君はずっとそんな事を繰り返すのが
Doctor Saitou, you have been repeating such things -
89 & 90 : この先
From this point on…
You will meet this type of patient as many as you want
Saitou: はい まだ当直のバイトに使っていただけたらと思いまして
I’m thinking I could still make use of that job
The Manga Available Online for Free
Episode 4 : 第4話 夏雲
Jisho: dictionary
Note: this episode 4 had also been used at Wasabi site for Japanese Reading Practice with Manga 1-4-1 and 1-4-2.
The reading exercises had been done without looking at there; but you can compare both, to see how good (or not) these exercises are.
some stats on Ep.4
Exercises started: 2020年5月7日
Exercises finished: 2020年5月21日 (14日かかった)
Number of pages: 34頁
Number of analyses: 90
Number of participants: 5人
More detailed stats: here