Learning through Translating: ブラックジャックによろしく episode 4: 夏雲

44. & 45.


However, you somehow feel as to try all possibilities and want to convince yourself

君 は なんとなく 手をつくした 気になって 自分 を 納得 させたい だけど
you [topic] for.some.reason to.try.all.possible.means+past to.worry.about+TE oneself [object] agreement to.do+causative+tai however

A quite difficult one…

First I thought it was:
手をつく is a set phrase; to put the hands on the ground, like when doing 座礼 (ざれい) (sitting salute); it denotes great respect, or very humble demand.
It is treated as a nount, with する to make it a verb
But actually it is
手を尽くす : to make everything possible.

納得(なっとく)する : at first I thought it was to consent, so that Saitou wanted consent from Pr. Shiratori… but it also has the meaning of agreement, understanding. So 自分を納得させる is more like convincing oneself.
自分を納得させたい : you want to convince yourself. It is however a very strong wording (usually ~たい is only used for oneself, not when referring to others)
or maybe I’m wrong :slight_smile:

そんな 自己 満足 に 投じる 大金 は ない!

about transcription...

Again I have been in the strange situation, where I could guess reading and type じこまんぞく without knowing the meaning…

There aren't large amounts of money to throw in such self complacent manner

そんな 自己 満足 に 投じる 大金 は ない!
that.manner self complacency [purpose] to.invest/throw big.money [topic] there.is.not

自己 (じこ) : self-
満足 (まんぞく) : complacency. 自己満足に is an adverb
投じる (とうじる) : 1. to throw, 2. to invest money
大金 (おおがね) : big amount of money