April 26th Daily Reading ブラックジャックによろしく: Community Reading Exercise

April 27th Reading Exercise can be found


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Click on the :arrow_forward:︎ to reveal the text.


①Choose one of the letters from the list below. Claim your letter by posting a reply in the thread here. That is so two people don’t end up doing the same letter.
②Edit your ‘claim reply’ with a vocabulary section where you list the vocabulary words and explain what they mean.
③In a reply to your ‘claim reply’, develop your interpretation. This will help people understand and learn from your explanation.

✩If you spot a mistake, explain to the user what it is and why it is incorrect.
✩If possible, correct your mistake based on the new information.

The story so far:↓

Saito finished med school and is now an intern; he will help with a surgery today at the Eternal Fortune University Hospital. He is an idealist who wants to be a doctor to help people as opposed to become rich. He once took a part time job which paid well but was in conflict with Saitou’s values and beliefs.

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The Manga Available Online for Free
Episode 2
Episode 1
Jisho: dictionary

★This set comes after the April 23rd reading. That’s because I had missed some pages which were completed on the 24th and 25th.

Currently available: None;

Taken: A, B, C, D, E, F, G, H;

I’d like to participate, but I don’t know how to!

①head over to Jisho.
②at the very top, there’s an option to draw a kanji if you can’t figure out what it means and you are not comfortable with radicals:

③draw the kanji. Accurate stroke order is preferable:


A bit of Context

For context sake, a bit of background:


…just witnessed an amazing surgery by…

this man...


…and is currently chatting with another intern…

出久根 邦弥(でくね くにや)


I’ll begin with interpreting a strip which comes before today’s page (leftover from April 23rd) as it comes right before.

As a reminder, Unibrow just said that if he got sick, he wouldn’t want to be treated at a university hospital. He goes on with:

Click to display


“Unibrow”'s name is known, it was one of the 2 (out of seven) that got mentioned some pages back:

出久根 邦弥(でくね くにや)

The other one mentioned, was the main character full name:

斉藤 英二郎(さいとう えいじろう)




すっ裸【すっぱだか】(n.) nudity, (〜な adj.) stark naked; is followed by で, so in which way? Stark naked. 『に』then indicates where, 手術台【しゅじゅつだい】(n.) operating table. Then comes the verb, 載せる which has quite a few meanings.


In a dictionary, the first definition is the most frequent, which in this case happens to be… “to place on”. This makes perfect sense in the context!

To sum up:
I definitely wouldn’t want to be treated at a university hospital; to be put stark naked on an operating table… is not something many people would feel comfortable with.

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Alright, for the longer sentence now.

オレ is “male talk” for I. At first I fumbled with 〜達 but then it clicked, it means us, we. みたいな = *something like that which is followed by 研修医, medical intern. So: we are something like medical interns. Let’s carry on.

I was looking forward to finding out what チンポ meant and it means “penis”. I did not expect that word in katakana for some reason.

This is then followed by 見られる which means “to be seen”. So For our penis to seen. Interesting lunch conversation!

ワケ means a pretext while 〜だろう gives an assumption connotation to the sentence. I’m hesitating in my interpretation:
①He says that if he were to be put on an operating table like that, he’d be a pretext for others to see their penis.

②He thinks this kind of exercise is a pretext for penis to be seen by the medical interns.

Since he’s just said that he wouldn’t want to be in a university hospital, I assume he’s saying that he wouldn’t want to be naked like that on an operating table, stark naked, as a pretext for other medical interns. That’s my interpretation.

To which 斎藤 replies:

②《That’s impossible!
…which requires more development on my part.
I think 〜も here means soon, as in:
I soon won’t have any money left.

It’s really off-topic though. Maybe he’s uncomfortable and wants to change subject.

I think (but not very sure about it) that みたい works the other way:

オレ達みたい = like use; and not みたいな研修医, like interns.

So オレ達みたいな研修医 : interns like us.

I think he wonders “Should the penis (of a patient) be shown (mad visible) to interns like us?

(seems like several particles have been swallowed)

Context note: during the operation of the 75 year old man with cirhosis commplications, he was full naked, with his penis fully visible (it was “masked” by Zizka in the images posted here (as it may not suit any audience))

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I agree with your interpretation, I think it’s the right one.

I’ve edited in 斎藤の返事🔝.

To which Unibrow (でくねにや)replies:

Click to reveal



だったら: adv. n. if that’s the case

If that’s the case [that you’re running out of money] you can do your part time job at 80,000 円 for one night.

“A” in today’s set begins right after Unibrow has made the suggestion for Saitou to return to his part-time job.

The わけ does not mean pretext, it’s used to indicate a reason. I’d translate it maybe as “so that means”, “for that reason”

Also you skipped a に in your sentence

My interpretation is
The first speech bubble is like “(because) you know, you’d get put on the table stark naked…”

“and that means your dick would be seen by medical interns like us, right?”
And that’s why he wouldn’t want to be treated in a university hospital.


〜も here means “too”, ヒマ (暇) means “free time”. So it’s impossible because he has neither the free time nor money.


Thanks a lot for the corrections! Learned something new, much appreciated! I forgot to put in ヒマ, you’re right. As for ワケ, the katakana lured me into thinking it was simply vocabulary.

Myriaーさん, I think you mean this 訳【わく】= conclusion from reasoning.

I’ll claim A.
That’s impossible.

Well some of them need to be easy sometimes as I had already seen this one.

My daily 3 hours is done. It’s up to you guys to finish up the page, you can do it!

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Well, I have a bit of time, but let’s go with B.


ねえ hey
出久根くん Dekune-kun
さっき before, previously (先 slurred)
教授 professor
執刀 surgical procedure/operation
何 what
意味 meaning
あった had

I don’t know how much details I’m supposed to add, so I’ll just go straight to the interpretation:
Hey Dekune-kun
That surgical procedure (reference to cutting open the patient) by the professor just before,
was there any meaning to it?

Then C:
ウワサじゃ あの教授の手術はいつも皮膚切開だけらしい…

Edit: Note that じゃ is separated from あ

ウワサ (噂)rumor
じゃ ->では slurred
手術 surgery
いつも always
皮膚 skin
切開 cutting open, incision
だけ only
らしい (modifier for “it seems”)
普段 usual
ウナギ eel
解剖 dissection
実験 experiment
ばっか only (ばかり slurred)
してる (している slurred)

The rumor has it that that professor only ever performs the skin incision.
Usually, he’s only doing eel dissections (based on what people say).


Hi again Naphtalene,

Thanks for participating.

As for your inquiry, it’s a good question. I explain things in great detail when I’m not sure and I want my thinking to be bare for other people to point out where my reasoning is incorrect.

I hardly know you at all but you come across as pretty advanced. In that case, you can explain in detail your reasoning for other people for less advanced people to learn or can keep it brief if you’re just looking for casual practice. Either way is fine, there’s no hard rules really.

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Sure, I guess people can always ask if they need clarification…

Hm, I guess I don’t need the practice, though, so I should probably leave the rest to others. I really like the idea of those threads, so I wanted to contribute, but I feel that way would be counter-productive :upside_down_face:




*だって:だ+という:The dictionary translation is just “but”.
I would like to give my idea which would translate as: “Talking about this/ mentioning this”, which will be followed up by a sentence that tries to rebut the hearsay his colleague dropped before.

*30年間(さんじゅうねんかん): Thirty years (timespan)

*手術(しゅじゅつ): surgery


*が:Particle the “Subject” to the Verb ない that comes after.

*ない:Negative form of だ/です.
Example: なになにがない。-> Something doesn’t exit.


*なん:Particle implying ??? (please help me here)

*だろ:Informal form of でしょう:“it seems like this/ I think it is like this”.



30年間手術:“thirty years of surgery”

ミスがない人:“a Person who doesn’t make mistakes”

なんだろう……?: “isn’t it like this?”


“But having 30 years of surgical experience means they should not make any mistakes anymore, right?”


“But people who have 30 years of surgical experience don’t make any mistakes anymore, do they?”

Looking forward to suggestions and corrections! :slight_smile:

Correction by @Naphthalene
“But he is a person who hasn’t made a surgical mistake in 30 years”





*30年間(さんじゅうねんかん): Thirty years (timespan)



*だけ:particle implying “only”

*確かに(たしかに):certainly (たしか+に=making it an Adverb)

*失敗(しっぱい):failure → 失敗する: to mess up.

*してない:(していません):When talking, the い of いない or いません is often not emphasized / slurred. Meaning: Not doing something.

*よ:Particle emphasizing the sentence’s meaning (?)

*ね:Particle implying that the colleague will agree with his statement.


① “(He) only (did) skin incisions for thirty years.”

② “(He’s) certainly not messing up (doing that).”

I am not sure about the second sentence so please help me. :slight_smile:
Thanks to @Myria for the correction!

Hello @postliminal, thank you for participating, keep it up! I’ll update the first message.

Quite the contrary of counter-productive in my humble opinion. In community exercises, people are reticent to participate if there’s only a few people participating, kind of like an empty dance floor. Once a certain threshold has been reached however, the psychological barrier wanes and people start participating.

It’s a great opportunity for less experienced members to ask you questions as to how you came to your conclusions. I know I will.


Almost! But it’s kinda the other way around.
“But he is a person who hasn’t made a surgical mistake in 30 years”
I think the problem is that you put 手術 together with 30 years rather than with miss.

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Sure! if I see a lapse in participation, I’ll try to fill in.

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ahhh nice okay, now I get the context! :slight_smile:
Thanks a lot!

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Probably to resolve the confusion: it says 失してない
失敗(しっぱい) meaning failure, mistake