📚📚 Read every day challenge - Summer 2022 🏖 ☀

Summary Post

August 26th
What did I read?: きつねくんと先生 Vol 1
How much did I read?: 10 pages
How long did it take me?: 9 min

Just a few pages today, since I worked a little later than usual. Kitsune-kun is so cute :pleading_face: And he likes pudding :pleading_face:

That is definitely an option!! I’d ship it to you free, honestly, I’d be happy for it to go to someone else who wants it ^^ Do you have Discord? We could work out the details on there, I’m windupbird#3480 if you want to message me ^^ (If you don’t have Discord, I also have a burner email I can give you lol, just let me know :slight_smile:)

This is the truth :joy:

That would be such a good idea :sob: I really prefer physical manga, but there are definitely some manga where I’m like…I really don’t need to have this sitting on my shelf for the rest of my life :joy: