This is a third-party script/app and is not created by the WaniKani team. By using this, you understand that it can stop working at any time or be discontinued indefinitely.
What is it?
When you finish reviewing an item, you see the green or red popover saying what the new SRS level is. However, it only shows Apprentice or Guru without being more specific.
This script changes the popover to show Apprentice 1, Apprentice 2, Apprentice 3, or Apprentice 4 instead of just Apprentice and Guru 1 or Guru 2 instead of just Guru.
For example, instead of showing
you will see
How to Install?
As always, make sure you have a script manager installed. If you don’t, follow these instructions.
I’ll make sure to test it again. I don’t think I even checked the console previously. If I did, then I didn’t see any errors.
Is there a good way of testing review scripts when one’s next reviews are “about 5 hours” from now?
Well, there was nothing in the console when I tested it in my last review; and further… well, I turned off all other scripts halfway through the review, and maybe that messed things up somehow? Anyway, before I did that, everything was “normal”, i.e. it would just say “Apprentice” and “Guru” like vanilla WaniKani. But after I deactivated the other scripts, there was no label in the “level notification box” at all, i.e. it was just a little green box with an upward arrow.
Can you make any sense of this?
Next time I will deactivate all other scripts before the review, and I’ll probably also reinstall your script before I do all that.
Anyway, luckily my tweaked version of saxoncameron’s script does exactly what I want now. Still, I’d like to understand what’s going wrong. Also, I’d like to understand more about how userscripts work and become able to write them myself. Even though I dread Javascript.
Turning off scripts in the middle of the session shouldn’t do anything unless you refreshed the page. This is because by the time you turned the scripts off, they’ve already been loaded on the page and are running.
I see. I saw Lvl 8 and assumed it was the level the item appeared on, not the SRS level. No need to delete your post, but if you want to share what you made I’d recommend a new thread so people can easily find it.
I wouldn’t use it because anything about level or SRS level before reviewing an item acts as a spoiler and could let you get the item right when you wouldn’t have.
Okay, good. All I do with the script is modify the function and add some css. Try running the following in the console, both with the script off and the script on: