How many lessons are you doing per day?
118 today, 0 yesterday, 0 two days ago, 121 three days ago:
Are you still going with the same pace posted over there?
Yup, I’m still stuck in a perpetual loop of having only a handful hours for myself each Sunday and Thursday xd
It’s absolutely, completely unsustainable and it leaves me so insanely exhausted, but I’m well aware that if I were to stop doing it right now I’d probably spend all day reading about the c-disease-cursed-word or some other injustice in the world, so I’ll have to devise a strategy on what to do after I’m done with WaniKani xd
January 3, 2021
Level: 52
Streak day: 333
Level up: January 7, 2021
Reviews: 604 (+ self study)
Apprentice items: 242
Each Sunday and Thursday I feel like giving up, I’m so overwhelmed by the reviews and the lessons that I just want to scream. And then I do them anyway xd
I couldn’t keep up with self-study today making the same mistakes over and over again, so I’ll have to review them tomorrow, but I’ve spent around six hours today mulling reviews, new lessons and self study.
Kanji are starting to become more obscure and when I saw the word “auspicious” today with an empty “synonyms” section I wanted to end it all at that exact moment
But I’m so close now, there’s only 8 levels to go. I’ll struggle through it, January 31 is this month already xd
And I’m absolutely not burning all of the items, no chance in hell xd
Today’s mental breakdown was sponsored by Life is Strange soundtrack Episode 3 - Track 4
I realized we haven’t had a day when the sun would be out since December 26. The weather stays the same every day - cloudy, with humid air, no sunrises nor sunsets xd
I spent the first part of the day waiting for the reviews to come and doomscrolling, but luckily I managed to take a break in-between and go for a bike again. Today was probably my last trip around the town, I caught up on the last few spots of Christmas decorations around I haven’t seen before. The decorations will probably be taken down last week anyway, so it’s cool that my last memories of the town for the time being will be of it being decorated for the Christmas.
Speaking of the last times, I had a coffee with my dad before he goes to work tomorrow for the week.
I do realize I’m eating too much, drinking too much caffeine and completely messing up my sleep schedule when I’m home, but hey, I’m home, I can afford to spoil myself every once in a while xd
I’ll have to start packing up tomorrow DDD:::