The final month of lessons - a certain Bidoof's study log!

January 7, 2021
Level: 53
Streak day: 337
Level up: January 10, 2021
Reviews: 725
Apprentice items: 260

The reviews number is not a drill. 725.
I’ve literally spent like 6 hours doing Japanese today. And I did the usual 9 to 5 working hours too. Lord, my ears are falling out of the orbits.

When I saw 152 lessons today, my hands just dropped. And the worst part is that I see level 54 on the horizon that has 115 vocabulary items, I’m worried that when items from level 54 come, be it on January 10th or January 14th, this number of lessons will go up even higher. Whee!

I was curious how difficult is WaniKani right now compared to the previous weeks so I put up a quick script and would you look at that!

Yep, don’t speedrun WaniKani. Seriously. Please. I can’t take it any harder, but according to my math about 750 is the hardest it might get if I keep up the accuracy.

There was a point in time where 150 reviews would take me an hour, but I’ve become more ruthless since, if I can’t remember a kanji or vocab in less than 10 seconds I immediately discard it and move to the next one xd
But going by that standard, just the reviews would take 2.5 hours each day of the week on average for me. That estimate might not be that far off factoring in the lessons as well :thinking:

Torigoth! I wasn’t very fond of the soundtrack of Xenoblade 2 when it came out, but a few tracks have always stood out to me, and Torigoth is definitely one of those. I can never have enough of it, the vocals are perfect in this one :grin:

I woke up at 6.15am to do reviews today and I had to pause for a few minutes, because… it started snowing! By the lunch break the snow had already melted, but I managed to take a few pictures nonetheless.

But what’s interesting about the weather here is that while back at home it would be foggy and gloomy pretty much every day, the sun is out pretty much all the time while I’m here! I mean, not counting the evenings. Anyway, here’s the snow around Clontarf today :grin: