The final month of lessons - a certain Bidoof's study log!

January 5, 2021
Level: 52
Streak day: 335
Level up: January 7, 2021
Reviews: 334
Apprentice items: 196

I had like 10 separate review sessions today, cause at first I couldn’t focus on anything but WaniKani and then I was just wasting time making reviews as soon as they became available xd

勘定, damn you!

Minecraft’s Mice on Venus, thanks for lifting me up today <3

They say that home is where your mobile provider doesn’t text you about roaming fees, if that were the case then I’m finally home :blush:

But who knows where your home is if you’re living in two different places xd

All I know is that I was very glad to finally arrive in Dublin and I feel like I can finally rest for a minute or two here, no deadlines, other than level 53 on Thursday <3

And you know what? I was worried nobody would be waiting for me here, but as soon as I entered my room and saw all the plushies there, I realized how wrong I was too :grin: