The final month of lessons - a certain Bidoof's study log!

January 6, 2021
Level: 52
Streak day: 336
Level up: January 7, 2021
Reviews: 202
Apprentice items: 174

Yep, that’s it, a few hours left until level 53 xd
A few burns today, including one of my favorite words: 吸血鬼.

Coolstory: around when I was level 10 I was playing Code;Realize on my Vita and listening to the background actors and I was like, “whoa, i understand quite a few things”. And those that I did not understand, I’d cross-reference them with my phone and WaniKani’s database. And one of the words I heard and tried transcribing, 吸血鬼, was there on level 23, and I was like “whoa, I’ll learn that word in a few months :OOO”

And I have learned indeed!
Level 23’s vampire, burned :sunglasses:

Fire Emblem Awakening OST - Conquest. Won’t say much, I’ll leave the track to do the talking for me xd

But truth to be told, I went out to the town to do some essential groceries and I realized that it’s not just me who’s self-isolating here in Ireland… Everything is shut down. I knew the situation was a bit funny, but just for reference, there is a country in Europe where McDonalds as a business is not operational at all, including takeaways, grocery shops are the only ones that stay open and even they have non-food items fenced off and even click and collect businesses are not allowed to be open. Good thing I learned how to cook over the first wave xd

I didn’t get too many exciting pictures today, but I did take one of my breakfast: what’s supposed to be hummus spread on bread, cheese curd, some salmon, chia seeds and beef jerky sticks. And some jelly to that. We’re getting to the vegan diet, eventually, maybe in 2030 xd

Tho it’d be hard to survive without dairy products, not gonna lie.