からかい上手の(元)高木さん Book Club

からかい上手の(元)高木さん Book Club

On March 11th, 2021, the Absolute Beginner Club voted to read からかい上手の高木さん. Reading began on May 1st and was completed at the end of June of the same year.

Immediately after, an offshoot club formed to continue the series.

After three years and eight months, the からかい上手の高木さん book club has come to an end, but Takagi’s teasing hasn’t concluded yet.

How will you be reading along?

  • Digital
  • Paperback, and I already own the first volume or will buy it in person
  • Paperback, but I don’t own the first volume yet and need to order online
  • I won’t be reading along
0 voters

Chapters are eight pages long, a decrease from the 15 pages we’re used to.

How many chapters would you personally like to, or be comfortable with, reading per week?

  • 1 chapter per week (8 pages)
  • 2 chapters per week (16 pages)
  • 3 chapters per week (24 pages)
  • 4 chapters per week (32 pages)
0 voters

When should we start the first volume (once everyone has secured a copy or is fine playing catch-up)?

  • 16th of November
  • 23rd of November
  • 30th of November
0 voters

already started the new thread !!!

nice - I still haven’t read the last chap yet :smiley:


I’ve finished the first five volumes already, so I voted for the fastest schedule and the earliest start date. I’m excited to read with everyone, so please catch up soon! :slight_smile:


I realize I think I already read vol 1 and maybe vol 2 a while back so start times don’t matter quite so much


For starting, looks like we should probably go ahead with the week of the 23rd.

In the meantime, anyone ready for a warm-up week, I recommend re-reading:

  • Volume 5, first chapter, 思い出
  • Volume 18, first chapter, タイムカプセル

Starting in a week, we’ll try out two chapters per week and see how that works out.


Volume one is up!


Next stop, volume two!