Teasing Master Takagi-san 😛 ・ Volume 16 Discussion Thread [Volume Complete!]

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Middle school students Nishikata and Takagi sit next to each other in class. Takagi, who is in love with Nishikata, enjoys teasing him with embarrassing pranks and jokes. In response, Nishikata creates plans to get his revenge, but they always fail when she identifies his weaknesses and capitalizes on them.


Week Start Date Chapter Page Numbers Page Count
Week 1 January 6th Chapter 1 (136) - 調理実習 3 - 18 16
Week 2 January 13th Chapter 2 (137) - ウソとホント 19 - 34 16
Week 3 January 20th Chapter 3 (138) - 移動教室 35 - 50 16
Week 4 January 27th Chapter 4 (139) - 視力勝負 51 - 66 16
Week 5 February 3rd Chapter 5 (140) - 校舎裏 69 - 84 16
Week 6 February 10th Chapter 6 (141) - 交換日記 85 - 100 16
Week 7 February 17th Chapter 7 (142) - チョコ 101 - 116 16
Week 8 February 24th Chapter 8 (143) - 微熱 117 - 132 16
Week 9 March 2nd Chapter 9 (144) - 卒業式 + おまけ 133 - 153 20

The おまけ is once again at the end!

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Where To Buy

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Chapter Participants


Please submit your clever puns for 調理実習 here~

Are you planning on reading with us this week?
  • I will be reading along!
  • I’ve already read it!
  • I will catch up later!
  • I won’t be reading (anymore)
0 voters

As a side-note, I won’t have the vocabulary sheet up tonight. I don’t have the capacity to futz around in Google Sheets right this moment, but I wanted to at least get the thread up because I was behind!


I feel cheated :rofl:

ch1 vocab is already part of the old sheet at the very end - if you want to bring it over :wink:
or I’ll do it when you create the new sheet


@anon99047008 hmmm vocab sheet still TBA??? hmmmm


do we need to send 高木さん and 西方くん to visit @anon99047008 for a welfare check?


Some 味噌汁 from last week would for sure help


TY for the combo breaker - I’ll keep adding the vocab to the vol15 for now
Not sure where Gen is but at least we can keep going.
Hopefully he will be back soon.

In the meantime someone can come up with a clever pun for


No pun here, but about @anon99047008 allegedly being “missing”:




@anon99047008, just let us know if you need anyone to help with club duties here and there!


so I’ve been worried about nothing and we have just been abandoned :astonished:


Let’s see if we can get to 100% “I’ve already read it”


It was not an intentional abandonment. WK saying I have been online is because it’s been open in the background when I’ve opened my phone for other things.

I’m really sorry for going MIA for a few days. It’s honestly probably going to continue for a few days longer. If somebody can take over for at least a couple of weeks, I would appreciate it.

Thank you.


Vocabulary list:

In other words, it was WaniKani’s ウソ!


Just a smidge late, this week it’s ウソとホント!

Are you planning on reading with us this week?
  • I will be reading along!
  • I’ve already read it!
  • I will catch up later!
  • I won’t be reading (anymore)
0 voters


MrGeneric said “I will catch up later”


went to check today and was going to migrate the vocab but didn’t have to
Thanks so much!

If anyone was using the vol15 sheet those temp vol16 pages have been deleted from the vol15 file.


Although I’m realizing days later, that I’ve actually already read this chapter, so I voted incorrectly.

My thoughts are so scattered lately. :sweat_smile:


How are we 16 volumes in and this is the first dialogue mention of 移動教室いどうきょうしつ? Isn’t there a law that requires school-based manga to involve mention of 移動教室 in the first few volumes?

Are you planning on reading with us this week?
  • I will be reading along!
  • I’ve already read it!
  • I will catch up later!
  • I won’t be reading (anymore)
0 voters

We’ve got it covered :saluting_face:


uh oh a day earlier than gen - gotta make sure I stay on top of this if I wanna be able to click already read it :wink:


how on earth is this (as far as I know) the is first time I’ve come across or even seen this kanji before!!
reading something else and just popped up can’t recall ever seeing it before

Thus our manga is really = 揶揄い上手な高木さん

The only manga I've read where I've seen the kanji is アオのハコ, on the character summary page opening each volume.
