Teasing Master Takagi-san 😛 ・ Volume 10 Discussion Thread [Volume Complete!]

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Currently Reading: Volume Complete!


Middle school students Nishikata and Takagi sit next to each other in class. Takagi, who is in love with Nishikata, enjoys teasing him with embarrassing pranks and jokes. In response, Nishikata creates plans to get his revenge, but they always fail when she identifies his weaknesses and capitalizes on them.


Week Start Date Chapter Page Numbers Page Count
Week 1 December 24th Chapter 1 (81) - è„żç‰‡ 1 - 17 16
Week 2 December 31st Chapter 2 (82) - 瞊èȘ­ăż 19 - 34 16
Week 3 January 7th Chapter 3 (83) - 犬 35 - 50 16
Week 4 January 14th Chapter 4 (84) - ă‚Żăƒƒă‚­ăƒŒ 51 - 66 16
Week 5 January 21st Chapter 5 (85) - ă‚šă‚€ăƒ—ăƒȘăƒ«ăƒ•ăƒŒăƒ« 67 - 82 16
Week 6 January 28th Chapter 6 (86) - ăƒȘベンゾ 83 - 100 16
Week 7 February 4th Chapter 7 (87) - 釣り 101 - 116 16
Week 8 February 11th Chapter 8 (88) - çź± 117 - 132 16
Week 9 February 18th Chapter 9 (89) - ć‘Œăłæ–č 135 - 150 16
Week 9 February 18th Bonus - ăŠăŸă‘ 152 - 156 5

As before, given how short the bonus chapter is, we will be reading Chapter 9 and the Bonus Chapter in the same week.

Discussion Guidelines

Everybody should feel free to post and ask questions–it’s what makes book clubs fun! But please do not post until you are familiar with Spoiler Courtesy!

Spoiler Courtesy

Please follow these rules to avoid inadvertent ネタバレ. If you’re unsure whether something should have a spoiler tag, err on the side of using one.

  1. Any potential spoiler for the current week’s reading need only be covered by a spoiler tag. Predictions and conjecture made by somebody who has not read ahead still falls into this category.
  2. Any potential spoilers for external sources need to be covered by a spoiler tag and include a label (outside of the spoiler tag) of what might be spoiled. These include but are not limited to: other book club picks, other books, games, movies, anime, etc. I recommend also tagging the severity of the spoiler (for example, I may still look at minor spoilers for something that I don’t intend to read soon).
  3. Any information from later in the book than the current week’s reading (including trigger warnings that haven’t yet manifested) needs to be hidden by spoiler tags and labeled as coming from later sections.
Instructions for Spoiler Tags

Click the cog above the text box and use either the “Hide Details” or “Blur Spoiler” options. The text which says “This text will be hidden” should be replaced with what you are wishing to write. In the case of “Hide Details”, the section in the brackets that is labelled “Summary” can be replaced with whatever you like also (i.e, [details=”Chapter 1, Pg. 1”]).

Hide Details results in the dropdown box like below:


This is an example of the “Hide Details” option.

The “Blur Spoiler” option will simply blur the text it surrounds.

This is an example of the “Blur Spoiler” option.

Posting Advice
  • When asking for help, please mention the page number, and check before posting that your question hasn’t already been asked. As the threads get longer, it becomes more convenient to use the Search function, which is located in the upper right corner of the forum. It is the magnifying glass which is near your profile picture! The best way to search is usually to type part of the sentence you are confused about, and select “in this topic”. This will show you all posts within the current thread which has that string of text.

  • Be sure to join the conversation! It’s fun, and it’s what keeps these book clubs lively! There’s no such thing as a stupid question! We are all learning here, and if the question has crossed your mind, there’s a very good chance it has crossed somebody else’s also! Asking and answering questions is a great learning opportunity for everyone involved, so never hesitate to do so!

When asking for help, please include the ‘chapter page number’. This makes it easier for others to help you and it makes the information in this thread more searchable. The ‘chapter page numbers’ are the ones in between the panels on every page, not the ones that occasionally appear at the bottom of the page (those would be the volume page numbers).

Where To Buy

Physical: Amazon JP ‱ CD Japan

Digital: Amazon JP ‱ Bookwalker


Chapter Participants


Let’s see a whole new side to è„żç‰‡ this week.

Are you planning on reading with us this week?
  • I will be reading along!
  • I’ve already read it!
  • I will catch up later!
  • I won’t be reading (anymore)

0 voters


I’m holding off starting any new manga volumes until January, so I’ll leave it to everyone else to see what happens with Chi this upcoming week.


got the vol10 vocab sheet started
chapters and added vocab for the first chapter


Wait till, he gets acquainted with her mom, he’s gonna meet the true master


I thought it was an AU until the end, then finally realized what was going on haha


finished early :slight_smile:


I feel like I either fell in her trap or there is a something hidden I’m missing 

è„żæ–č’s overthinking is contagious


Running a little late this week, but time to dive back into manga with some 瞊èȘ­ăż.

Are you planning on reading with us this week?
  • I will be reading along!
  • I’ve already read it!
  • I will catch up later!
  • I won’t be reading (anymore)

0 voters


Since @anon99047008 is so busy
hehehe I’m going to try something

Read this last night and it's super adorable... spoiler

As a dog person
really super sweet that she planned this one


Edit: [removed no longer needed sample poll]

I’m a chapter behind, but plan to catch up this weekend!


this is why I don’t run bookclubs
I just make a mess of things :smiley:

犬 - The week of ワンちゃん!

Are you planning on reading with us this week?
  • I will be reading along!
  • I will catch up later!
  • I’ve already read it!
  • I won’t be reading (anymore)

0 voters


Well, I meant to have “Show who voted” checked on mine up there, and I forgot after opening the options for it, so


why did I try to do that
what a pain hahaha
gonna leave that to the experts from now on


Looks to me like you just trained up on filling in if @MrGeneric goes on vacation :wink:

Oh, but don’t forget to include a non-spoiler line related to the chapter title!


I’ll get the changes made to the threads tonight. Been a little busy with my fiancee while we are together! :joy:

Thanks for getting the poll up, @shuly!

For this week's reading, I did think that dog looked familiar.


Maybe not a crossover, but this week's chapter gives two cameo appearances.


so I read this week ahead and when populating the sheet
 N2 Grammar!!!
 the grammar it has not been added to the spreadsheet)

ha-ha pretty sure I’ve come across it before but another cute chapter and definitely expecting there are some cameos and crossovers
if not I’ll be surprised.


I calculate that by volume 18, you’ll be reading one volume ahead of the rest of us :wink:


hehehe I could be but I’ve been trying to enjoy this series slowly

Really this series is a bright spot in the insanity of day to day craziness and stress
otherwise I would probably have read it all by now! I do have all the volumes and each time a new one comes out it gets ordered.


There are always other series to help fill a week with, of course :wink:

