風の谷のナウシカ (Nausicaä of the Valley of Wind) Advanced Book Club

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Welcome to the 風の谷のナウシカ (Nausicaä of the Valley of Wind) Book Club!

View the nomination post here!

Where to purchase

First volume only
Seven-volume set

(If anyone finds an actual e-book version, let me know.)

Discussion Threads and Reading Schedule

Week Volume Start Date End Phrase End Page Page Count
Official Club
Week 1 1 Jun 10 この日 トルメキア戦役勃発す 71 63
Week 2-3 1 Jun 17 《第2券へつづく》 136 (end) 65
Week 4 2 Jul 01 ……:interrobang: おまえ… 49 41
Week 5 2 Jul 08 それまでどうかご無事で 96 47
Week 6 2 Jul 15 《第3券へつづく》 136 (end) 40
Unofficial Continuation
Week 7 3 Jul 29 総員配置につけ!! [x2] 55 47
Week 8 3 Aug 05 ハッ すでに呼集しました 105 50
Week 9 3 Aug 12 《つづく》 156 (end) 51
Week 10 4 Aug 26 南へ向かっている…… 49 41
Week 11 4 Sep 02 傷ついてる!! 92 43
Week 12 4 Sep 09 《つづく》 140 (end) 48
Week 13 5 Sep 23 大海嘯は いまはじまったばかりだ 56 47
Week 14 5 Sep 30 俺の妻になる女だからな… 114 57
Week 15 5 Oct 07 《第6券へつづく》 157 (end) 42
Week 16 6 Oct 21 まって…… 65 56
Week 17 6 Oct 28 この同じ日ヴ王のひきいる
117 52
Week 18 6 Nov 04 《第7券へつづく》 165 (end) 48
Week 19 7 Nov 11 …裁き…!? 51 47
Week 20 7 Nov 18 オーマの光で土を汚して
94 42
Week 21 7 Nov 25 ナウシカ…いい名だ 135 40
Week 22 7 Dec 02 回復に時間はかからぬ来るがよい 178 42
Week 23 7 Dec 09 おわり 223 (end) 44

Discussion Rules

  • Please use spoiler tags for major events in the current section(s) and any content in future section.
  • When asking for help, please mention the volume and page number. Also mention what version of the book you are reading.
  • Don’t be afraid of asking questions, even if they seem embarrassing at first. All of us are here to learn.
  • To you lurkers out there: Join the conversation, it’s fun!

Member List

Are you planning to read Nausicaä with the book club?

  • Yes
  • Yes, but I might start late
  • Maybe
  • No
0 voters

So! Reading speed discussion first. To perhaps segue into the question of how much of the story we should read.

How fast should we read?
  • Six weeks per volume
  • Four weeks per volume
  • Two weeks per volume
  • A volume a week
  • Two volumes a week
  • Three volumes a week
  • Read the entire thing in one sitting
  • Other (please comment)

0 voters


Phew, this suggested pacing isn’t for the two-volume set!


Yes indeed. Talking about the seven-volume set linked in the first post. Probably should specify that somewhere. :stuck_out_tongue:


Mandarake tell me they’ve just shipped my set! 2600yen, but +4500yen for the shipping, oof – at least the exchange rate is relatively favourable right now…


That’s cheap!

Ordered from Amazon.co.jp; ¥4,367 for the seven volume set and ¥3,921 for shipping to Finland, grand total of ¥8,288.

At least I’m committed!


Yeah, advantage of buying secondhand. I suspect that I could have bought a few more things with it without pushing the shipping cost up any further, but I really don’t read much manga these days and Mandarake sell almost no books.


I have the english tomes (the big one), but I’d like the set in Japanese as well. Anyone know how big it is?

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26.2 x 19.2 x 7.8 cm according to product details.

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I’m not near my copies at the moment, but when I am, I can post a comparison photo for you. :slightly_smiling_face:

Is that the 7-volume paperback set, or a different release?

For those wondering, the English and Japanese 7-volume sets are the same size:


My English set is 4 books in a cardboard slip-case…

Is it the whole series with thicker books?

I’m unfamiliar with the English releases; checking online, offhand I only see the 7-volume paperback and 2-volume hardcover.

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This is the old Viz “Perfect Collection” set:


Wikipedia thinks the English version has been released as 7, 4 and 2-volume sets, and the Japanese version in 7-volumes (plus some box-set 7-volume printings) and an expensive 2-volume set.


Ohh, nice club. I’m stuck in volume 3 for a good while now cuz it’s a lot of text and most is pretty hard + I’m always so confused about who is who and what is happening XD Maybe this club is going to get me to finally continue.


Well, we seem to be largely settling on two weeks per volume. Next question, then: I imagine many of us will keep reading to the end, but how long do we want to set the length of the “official” book club?

How long?
  • Two weeks (one volume)
  • Four weeks (two volumes)
  • Six weeks (three volumes)
  • Eight weeks (four volumes)
  • Longer
0 voters

(Though I guess the real question is “How long is a ‘fast’ book club?” And/or “when does the next book club want to start?”)

On a related note, to the six people who voted “maybe”, are there any assurances I can make to help you commit (like, a minimum length to make it worth the effort, or something?) or is it just a “we’ll see what’s happening in the real world come June” type Maybe?

Wikipedia is correct. I own both the four- and the two-volume set. :slightly_smiling_face: (Though my four-volume Perfect Collection doesn’t have the box. I bought the volumes individually.)


For me it’s “I’m not placing an order just for this and I need to see how things work out”. I ahem may still be able to participate regardless, so I’m like 80% going to at least try the first volume, but not guaranteed.

I’ll also add that I’m unlikely to want to read the entire series over 14 weeks, assuming there’s enough demand for an offshoot to finish the series. I generally take breaks even reading series I really enjoy if they are longer than a few volumes by reading other things in between. (Just think back to how I got burned out with the Aria book club and took a break for a while.) Not sure how others feel, but I’d want at least one or two short breaks while reading it. e.g. 1-3/break/4-5/break/6-7 or 1-2/break/3-4/break/5-7, depending on what the book club ends up doing for the official portion. To that end, if this book club opts for 4 volumes or longer as part of the official club I will probably skip entirely because I’ll feel rushed.


If we do a break or two, it also depends how evenly we want to distribute the pages. Vol 1 is the shortest with 2-5 being similar in length to it. 6 is slightly longer, and then 7 is significantly longer at a little less than twice the length of vol 1


Reading difficulty is the main thing making me say maybe, not the speed. If I can manage to read it at all, then any speed people are suggesting would work for me (2 weeks per volume of manga is plenty of time for me, even for something hard). This has been on my read list since I started learning japanese. Genuinely and very seriously considering joining in, but manga at the ABC level may just be too hard for me given how much trouble 蟲師 and 桜蘭 have been giving me.

But, that’s more of a “should I try reading with the ABC at my current level?” question not anything in particular for this club specifically


Seeing the pages with mostly artwork makes it feel doable for me.

Seeing the pages filled with dialogue makes me think I’ll keep 「名探偵コナン」on hiatus for a little bit longer because I don’t think I can handle reading two series with dialogue-heavy pages at the same time.

Nausicaa does look less dense in text than the heavy parts of Conan (at least skimming through volume one), so maybe I’ll be fine.