風の谷のナウシカ (ABC) - Week 5

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風の谷のナウシカ Home Thread

Week 5

Start Date: Jul 08
Previous Part: Week 4
Next Part: Week 6


Week Volume Start Date End Phrase End Page Page Count
Week 5 2 Jul 08 それまでどうかご無事で 96 47

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Kurotowa is definitely one of my favourite characters in this, especially the interactions with Kushana…


I’ll try to catch up as I haven’t started reading volume 2 yet.

Read up to page 80

I read up to page 80 which seemed like a pretty natural break in the story again.

The whole arc with the wounded Oumu offspring is really strong in my opinion. I think the whole scene with Nausicaa walking on the “field” of Oumu feelers was also a pretty important scene in the anime (it’s been a while since I watched). For some story aspects (this scene and all the scenes where the Oumu eyes are mentioned) colour is pretty important and those colours were a lot easier to see in the anime, though :wink:

Every time I read this, though, I keep wondering what on Earth those things are that they stuck into the young Oumu. Solid metal rocket-shaped… things??


Aye, I wanted to put the stopping point here in the original two-weeks-per-volume pace, but it made the readings too lopsided.

It was the climax of the anime. Here it’s just the start of the “blue-clad one” thread.

Harpoons, no?


Yeah, but they seem so thick and short to me. Though I guess they need to be extra hefty to pierce the shell.

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I finished volume two! Afterwards I read a synopsis of the first two volumes and it helped a great deal with plot stuff, lol. Sometimes everyone in a battle blurs together and I have no idea who is fighting whom. Except now I have some big picture knowledge (up to the end of v2), so hopefully I’ll do a little better keeping track of who’s doing what in v3.

Which I’m looking forward to, whenever it happens! :+1:


Yes agreed. And it also doesn’t help that it’s not always clear who a speech bubble belongs to (for me, at least), making it necessary to read very carefully sometimes to understand the politics of the situation.


Posted this in the wrong thread, woops. Read up to this week’s stopping point.

Week 5

A good send off indeed. Could have been the chapter end. Most of it was easier to follow than I expected, probably due to the big focus on battles. Then the lore dump did took me some by surprise again, but the variation at least is nice.

I looked at the english translation and they left 大海嘯 as daikaisho. It’s definitely a headscratcher. The last kanji doesn’t even show up in my ime on my phone. So had some trouble looking it up, then I saw that written as intended and felt less stupid.

I think I’ll be able to finish the rest of the volume this weekend, now that I’m into it again.


Yeah, it’s one of those words where, as a student, I have the feeling that it is probably not a common Japanese word when I first encounter it (because it’s hard to look up) but you never know for sure. But when some of the characters in the story start scratching their heads then we know it’s not us :smile:

FWIW, 海嘯 is easier to find. Sometimes it helps to lop off a prefix.

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I thought it was just a huuuge tsunami when I first read that word :joy:
The most painful part of this week’s reading was searching for this kanji here:

It is a compressed 船首, right?


Yep, . Probably read as へさき? Can’t quite make it out from the picture, I’ll need to look in my own copy.


The kanji is (had to search by radical in Shirabe and copy-paste; it very much does not seem to be used in modern Japanese) and the furigana are へきさ, which is not a reading of that kanji and the only thing I could find was ヘキサ “hexa.” However, へさき means “bow (of a ship),” usually written with 舳…

@eagleflo I had to take a photo of mine and zoom in to make sure I was reading the furigana right, and while へさき would probably make more sense, it is indeed へきさ. I’m assuming typo since that would make more sense than it being the name of the ship…

Geez, that furigana sure is tiny though. I thought these books were huge when I first got them, but no longer…


I did search by radical in jisho: 艏 - Jisho.org
No surprise I couldn’t find it. Thanks both of you!


And the official club’s final week thread is up. Also posted some polls in the home thread regarding the continuation, so check those out if you haven’t already.