風の谷のナウシカ (ABC) - Week 4

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風の谷のナウシカ Home Thread

Week 4

Start Date: Jul 01
Previous Part: Week 2-3
Next Part: Week 5


Week Volume Start Date End Phrase End Page Page Count
Week 4 2 Jul 01 ……:interrobang: おまえ… 49 41

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Thoughts about this week

I liked how Nausicaa and Asbel end up with the Dorok for a while. It was a good way to get to know a new faction in the story. It feels as if alliances are already starting to shift.

That got me wondering: was there any reason given for the war in the story up to this point? I don’t remember any, but maybe I missed it.

The storytelling is really getting on a roll, so it’s hard to stop reading at this point (or any other point soon, it looks like). At any given point there are enough unresolved subplots going on that I want to keep reading :sweat_smile:


Kurotowa mentions slaves in his introductory scene, though whether that’s the reason or just a side benefit, I’m not entirely sure.


Yes, and otherwise it’s probably just the usual expansionist empire thing. :wink:


Is it just me or is there a noticeable quality increase on the printing itself? Or maybe just that they used a darker brown?


Week 5! Longest reading for this volume, but it felt like the best place to split it.


I’m not sure. Maybe I’m seeing a little difference, but not that clear. It could also be printing differences. Or it might be that the art is a bit darker in this volume?

Talking about printing differences, I was looking up some things in my translated copy which uses much more contrasty black instead of brown and I do think the brown is nicer for the art even if it makes some things harder to make out. The black is a bit too harsh for me. My English edition also uses a pretty large font which is much easier to read but also messes up the balance between art and text a little bit in my opinion.

I guess my ideal edition would be a really big version with brown ink, maybe a little bit darker than what we have now :smile:


That’s a good point about printing differences. I think the set I have was printed in 2020? I can double check tonight though.

I think printing in different colors can be a lot of fun, but that they should be high enough contrast from the paper. Like brown and navy are fine. Tan/cafe is just a bit too light though.