風の谷のナウシカ (ABC) - Week 21

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風の谷のナウシカ Home Thread

Week 21

Start Date: Nov 25
Previous Part: Week 20
Next Part: Week 22


Week Volume Start Date End Phrase End Page Page Count
Week 21 7 Nov 25 ナウシカ…いい名だ 135 40

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Finished the reading. Bit o’ fanservice going on at the start there, nudge nudge. Lot of braining going on at the end. Starting to get to the truth of the world. A couple of points made that, again, I want to save until the end. Hopefully I’m not gonna wind up writing an entire essay in the final week, though. :stuck_out_tongue:

On the final page of the reading, though, is this the first time Nausicaä introduces herself as just straight-up ナウシカ instead of something like 風の谷ジルの子ナウシカ?


Yes, I have to admit that that took quite a lot of dictionary lookups for me. I also had some trouble figuring out who was saying what at certain points so I just cheated in the end and checked in the English version if I understood the gist of it correctly. I’m glad we went with the five-week option.


I actually noticed a couple more goofs in the English version in this section. One of which I’d actually made myself on my first pass: bottom of page 120, the Keeper says それにヒドラ何匹か連れ出した, which the English version translates as “he took four Heedra” - but no, it’s just “a number of Heedra”, but the similarity of 匹 and 四 is distracting.

(And also one goof in the Japanese - the second-last panel of page 129 has a blank speech bubble.)

Yep, it’s back to some action scenes for the next section. Under the four-week option, we’d be jumping straight into the climax instead. :slightly_smiling_face:


Penultimate reading!