Tokyo Olympics 2021: WaniKani Edition (the real date, not the 2020 gun-jumpers)

There’s already Let’s Climb Tokyo Skytree - level 60 in spring 2022 (deadline of May 22, 2022) and Luminaries (deadline of May 26, 2021), as well as the Olympians (deadlines of September 6, 2020 and December 31, 2020)

We need a late 2021 thread to mirror these, so here it is.

The main goal of this thread is to please the Crabigator (鰐蟹): reach Level 60 and complete all lessons that existed when you leveled up to 60.

However, other goals exist with these abbreviations:

  1. Please Koichi: (42) - Level up to 42, but no lessons are required
  2. All Burned: (AB) - Every item that counted towards 鰐蟹 has been burned (but could be resurrected)
  3. Level N (N) - Level up to N, but no lessons are required

This thread has three official deadlines (mirroring the two goals of the Olympians thread):

  1. Olympics: August 8, 2021 (the new closing ceremony date of the XXXII Olympiad)
  2. Paralympics: September 5, 2021 (the new closing ceremony date of the XVI Paralympics)
  3. Silver Medal: December 31, 2021 (the end of 2021)

You are allowed to choose other deadlines on or before 2021-12-31T00:00:00Z, but it will be a bit strange:

  1. Luminaries: May 26, 2021 (it has its own thread - but you want an Olympic team?)

Or, just choose the end of a month by putting it as month/year

If these dates are further postponed, these goals will not change, but a new one may be introduced if it’s still in 2021.

You now only need Trust Level 1 (basic) on the forums to edit wiki posts!

Teams are the same as the Olympians - pick one when you join:


These teams are based on the five Japanese elements (五大). It’s time to choose your allegiance. (Fun fact: you’ll learn all of these kanji within the first 10 levels!)

  • 水 (Water)
  • 地 (Earth)
  • 空 (Aether/Void)
  • 風 (Wind)
  • 火 (Fire)

This list is of the first members of each team, or “Team Leaders.”

  • @whinette - Team 水: “Les petits ruisseaux font les grandes rivières” - Small streams make great rivers
  • @Saida - Team 地: 地球の下に残ろう!
  • @MegaZeroX - Team 空: Channel the emptiness and joy of the void into your reviews
  • @Windgreen - Team 風: The answer, my friend, is blowin’ in the wind
  • @UInt2048 - Team 火: Burn those kanji

The co-leaders (second members) of each team are @Chewt, @ShinobuSagi, @yukinet, @Kjwoods, and @Joeni, respectively.

Any team is welcome to make an official shared study log. Some teams have official shared study logs:

These leaders and co-leaders get to represent the team as a whole for team rivalry purposes. There’s no reason to take WK any faster or slower for this, it’s just for fun.

This thread has now concluded.


Keep this table sorted by current level! When you level up, feel free to move yourself up! We will use UTC for dates.

Please use N/A if you haven’t levelled up yet on this leaderboard and don’t already have a pre-existing speed (that you want to use).

Please use 雑 for a random or varying speed.

:mountain_snow: Olympians XXXII Leaderboard :mountain_snow:

Username Team Joined Speed Level Goal Deadline
\color{gold}\mathrm{Level} \color{gold}\mathrm{60}
MegaZeroX Team: 空 31, 9/24/20 speed: 3.4 level: 60 goal: 60 date: 0
Kialandri Team: 地 43, 12/13/20 speed: 4(追込) level: 60 goal: 鰐蟹 date: 1
Hasturman Team: 地 25, 10/8/20 speed: 3.5 level: 60 goal: 鰐蟹 date: 0
mweibel Team: 水 18, 9/24/20 speed: 4 level: 60 goal: 60 date: 1
Shinobusagi Team: 地 34, 9/25/20 speed: 雑 level: 60 goal: 鰐蟹 date: 1
schtitt Team: 空 32, 2/1/21 speed: 8 level: 60 goal: 鰐蟹 date: 1
Dani_L Team: 水 23, 10/4/20 speed: 9 level: 60 goal: 60 date: 1
\color{silver}\mathrm{Levels} \color{silver}\mathrm{50 - 59}
Saida Team: 地 29, 9/25/20 speed: 7.8 level: 54 goal: 鰐蟹 date: 1
Toyger Team: 風 42, 9/30/20 speed: 亀 level: 53 goal: 鰐蟹 date: 3
\color{deepskyblue}\mathrm{Levels} \color{deepskyblue}\mathrm{40 - 49}
Valara Team: 空 36, 2/24/21 speed: 雑 level: 49 goal: 鰐蟹 date: 3
yukinet Team: 空 27, 9/24/20 speed 10 level: 47 goal: 60 date: 1
Politeod Team: 地 17, 9/29/20 speed: 7 level: 42 goal: 鰐蟹 date: 2
Jaakkokinko Team: 空 38, 01/08/21 speed: 雑 level: 40 goal: 60 date: 2
ashkey Team: 風 30, 10/05/20 speed: 9 level: 40 goal: 60 date: 1
\color{mediumblue}\mathrm{Levels} \color{mediumblue}\mathrm{30 - 39}
BIsTheAnswer Team: 火 10, 10/9/20 speed: 10 level: 39 goal: 50 date: 3
uzumaki Team: 火 35, 11/09/20 speed: 20 level: 38 goal: 60 date: 1
cgolner Team: 水 22, 9/28/20 speed: 雑 level: 36 goal: 鰐蟹 date: 3
saibaneko Team: 水 23, 9/29/20 speed: 14 level: 37 goal: 60 date: 3
teya Team: 空 13, 30/12/20 speed: 雑 level: 30 goal: 30 date: 2
\color{darkorchid}\mathrm{Levels} \color{darkorchid}\mathrm{20 - 29}
Chemifox Team: 空 09, 9/25/20 speed: 8 level: 29 goal: 60 date: 3
CDR-Strawberry Team: 火 19, 11/9/20 speed: 雑 level: 27 goal: 42 date: 2
Joeni Team: 火 16, 9/24/20 speed: 8 level: 24 goal: 60 date: 1
Windgreen Team: 風 20, 9/24/20 speed: 14 level: 24 goal: 50 date: 3
tetraflu0ride Team: 水 17, 10/30/20 speed: 15 level: 21 goal: 42 date: 3
beckswithspecks Team: 火 10, 9/29/20 speed: 8.3 level: 21 goal: 60 date: 3
\color{deeppink}\mathrm{Levels} \color{deeppink}\mathrm{10 - 19}
Nemuitanuki Team: 空: 18, 12/22/20 speed: 雑 level: 21 goal: 35 date: ?
danarchy Team: 空 05, 1/31/21 speed: 12-14 level: 19 goal: 40 date: 3
Chewt Team: 水 10, 9/25/20 speed: 8 level: 17 goal: 60 date: 2
Denji Team: 風 14, 04/06/21 Speed: 8 days Level: 14 Goal: 42 Date: 3
Dunkelfuchs Team: 空 14, 11/12/20 speed: 8-9 level: 14 goal: 60 date: 3
Euruzilys Team: 水 03, 10/16/20 speed: 7.5 level: 12 goal: 42 date: 1
Kjwoods Team: 風 01, 9/25/20 speed: ?? level: 12 goal: 60 date: 3
keitlilbit Team: 地 07, 11/9/20 speed: 雑 level: 11 goal: 30 date: 1
TheAncient Team: 地 04, 29/10/20 speed: 10 level: 10 goal: 60 date: 3
\color{black}\mathrm{Levels} \color{black}\mathrm{1 - 9}
calabacitas Team: 空 05, 9/29/20 Speed: N/A level: 5 goal: 42 date: 3
autonuked Team: 風 01, 10/9/20 speed: N/A level: 8 goal: 60 date: 10/21
Jays Team: 火 01, 10/2/20 speed: 7 level: 2 goal: 60 date: 3

Aha, I like this. I’m already on the Skytree one (which I predict I’ll easily hit) and the Luminaries (which I think I’ll miss by a week or two) so this is the perfectly middle ground AND I get to edit four wikis when I level up!


I think you should add the break up by levels of 10 on the wiki and add yourself, but after that I will hop in.


I was already working on it - you beat me by two seconds. :wink:

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Team 空 will crush you poor 火 fools!


@MegaZeroX @Joeni Please choose a deadline.

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Hmm, if somebody chooses paralympics, it forces the table to be two lines for that row, which isn’t very tidy once loads of people join :confused:

Edit: You fixed it, hehe

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And the speed, and the level joined

My guess is that maybe the deadline should jsut be scrapped?

I’ll probably join, but need to think about my goal and deadline (and team) before I edit myself in.

What is the purpose of the teams, anyway?


Same as the Olympians thread - it’s just for fun - doesn’t do anything.

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I wasn’t in that race. Thanks, I think I’ll be Earth, then.

No it allows you to laugh at the poor fools from the other team that aren’t as amazing as your own amazing team.


@Kumirei I see you liked my post you should join team 空

Not interested in joining any leaderboards upside_down_face



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I like to think of it as “being proactive”

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You can’t be on a leader board, if you’re always winning, it’s not fair, so good on you.


No one was on 水 yet.