WaniKani Study Buddy Race - 2023, All Aboard!

Hey everyone!

After a bit of back and forth on another post I’ve decided to put together a race! Much like the Tokyo Olympics and Skytree race threads which I’ll be elegantly borrowing elements from we’ll be going head to head in a somewhat polite all out dash for 60! The rules aren’t much different but the goal is hitting 30 before 2023 and finally seeing who can hit 60 first in 2023!

This is by no means a reason to wait at 30 though, if you hit it before the rest of us keep going and give us some high octaine competition that’ll make us all try even harder! Come watch or join in on the chaos! I’d like to put the level limit at around 15-20 for joining but that doesn’t mean you can’t race alongside us until our general level gets into your bracket!

I’d also like to hear opinions on a good name for this competition but our group will called the Manly Racers! Of course we could come up with something cuter or more fun but It’s something I just thought up on the spot and It stuck.

To join in on the race there will be a post below giving you the ability to add yourself and your current stats to the board, to add your name and stats to the post all you’ll need to do is copy paste the following example into the post and fill it out accordingly;

|Current Level|Name Here|Date Joined/Last Reset|Days Per Level|Starting Level in Race|Total Levels Gained during Race|Burned Turtles!|

You can also just copy paste the previous persons information below theirs and fill it out with your information.

The official start of this race will be the 31st of December 2021 while the first Milestone cut off period will be the 31st of December 2022.

As a side note just in case it wasn’t obvious, do keep your information up to date! You don’t have to change it everytime a turtle gets burned or whenever you level up but make sure to try come back and change details at least once a month!

Thank you for reading and I hope you’re all enjoying your holidays!


Please sort this wiki by current level, moving yourself up or down when you update this wiki if your level changed! :rainbow: :heart:

Please fill the speed column with the time you spent on your last level :checkered_flag:


\huge \color{red}\mathrm{**Manly**} \huge \color{red}\mathrm{Racers**}

Current Level Username Joined / Last Reset Date Speed :crabigator: OG Level Total Levels BURNED

\color{Gold}\mathrm{50 - 60}
60 :trophy: HaseebYousfani 03/31/2021 ~3.5 DPL 15 45 3288
60 :medal_sports:TsukiNiMite 2022/01/03 3.5 DPL 7 53 3761
60 :2nd_place_medal: m0r1 2021年4月11日 7 dpl 20 40 3314
60 :3rd_place_medal: Wantya 13 Dec 2021 3.5 DPL 1 58 3850
60 :cloud_with_lightning_and_rain: BadWeather 2021-12-20 8 DPL 1 59 5382
60 :cookie: Cr_nch 2022-03-29 :frowning: 9 51 4385
60 :tada: Fuseronk 2021-03-14 ~15 DPL 43 17 5880
60 :firecracker: Tsumabuki_Raito Jan. 7, 2023 7 34 26 4746
60 :bouquet: whinette 02/01/2023 16 lessons/day 1 60 ongoing
60 :heart: Dck81 2022-01-04 7 DPL 12 47 5040
60 :notes: Luis™ Reset 20/06/2023 7 DPL 1 59 4400
60 :shinto_shrine: Rehanmalik 14/12/21 8DPL 2 54 5000
60 :fairy: araigoshi 2023-02-22 10 DPL 1 54 6762
56 Greti33 06/06/2020 10 DPL 28 22 5517
52 Techker7 2021-11-09 7 7 45 3671
51 tepp 04/22/2020 14-55 51 0 5252
51 savbohn July 12, 2021 10ish DPL 15 36 3914

\color{RebeccaPurple}\mathrm{40 - 49}
49 ekg join: 2023-05-11 reset: 2023-01-01 4-14 days 22 ~ 4696
48 cineebon 5/23 idk like 10-14 47 1 5306
43 segue 2020-03-09 4 DPL 1 43 5158
43 Kotori 21/12/2021 16D/PL 2 41 3936
43 drake92 Reset 05/17/2021 ~33D 35 8 5930
42 Aknur 23/03/2021 9-12 DPL 29 13 3205
40 Majawa 09/09/2021 15 DPL 15 25 3357
40 Onusai 18 Jan 2022 7 DPL 7 33 1770
40 PtScan Reset 27/07/2020 7,5 DPL 11 29 1618

\color{Dandelion}\mathrm{30 - 39}
39 Karhu12 2021-03-28 25-30 DPL 21 18 4075
39 Marillanne 10/09/2021 28 DPL 14 25 3343
38 Deenarrhea 08/08/2016 21 DPL 32 6 4214
38 nyarle 2022-02-03 20 DPL 35 3 3757
37 peihua 2016-01-16 63 DPL 34 3 4358
37 mansen 02/11/2020 (reset) 14DPL 20 17 3503
35 ryuunoyousei 2016-10-19 11 30 5 3748
35 Sophia990 June 2020 ~15 19 16 4206
34 DiSiZ 05/06/2021 15 DPL 28 6 3415
34 positivestress 1/2/2022 11 DPL 5 29 3300
34 JWalter 2019-07-17 14 DPL 28 6 3550
34 hlbrown 2021-05-02 ? DPL 15 19 2400
32 Hantsuki 23/04/2018 ~14DPL 11 20 3100
32 nazan Nov 2021 25 22 10 2763
31 Emblazzon 5/08/2020 10 DPL 8 23 2611
30 Visorado 09/11/2017 X 30 0 0
30 Lisa_aand 04/10/2021 9D 12 18 2371
30 saraqael 27/01/2022 9 DPL 25 5 1311
30 ananana 2021-02-13 many DPL 17 13 2808
30 lemonsaresour 3rd April 2022 Too many 1 29 2510

\color{salmon}\mathrm{20 - 29}
29 whoamihedwig 31-12-2019 13 DPL 27 2 2300
29 Wildstern 2021/10/26 ~9 DPL 4 25 1755
28 Aerophy10 08/01/2019 14 DPL 14 14 2400
28 aornston 2022-Nov-01 27 DPL 10 18 2616
28 Ylienna Reset 20/03/2021 14 DPL 11 17 3414
27 Desutruction Reset 25/01/2021 10 DPL 8 19 1665
27 emiri_learns_jp 2021-09-28 ~DPL 16 9 1734
26 saibaneko 24/03/2020 20 9 8 2148
26 lottie_lot June 2020 25DPL 25 1 2160
26 looloos Reset Oct 2018 30+ DPL 22 4 2657
26 MagicalGrill 18/11/2021 9 DPL 9 17 1820
26 Todd5WK Oct 18, 2022 ~22 DPL 26 0 1772
26 kush76 31/03/2021 14 DPL 11 15 2918
25 boonto Nov 2020 10 DPL 23 2 1639
24 maralaene Reset Oct 2021 ~15 DPL 21 3 2709
24 mpinder Jan 2021 20 DPL 23 1 2639
24 Juztiz 2022-03-21 8d 3 21 291
23 boonto Nov 2020 10 DPL 23 0 1571
23 legobridge 29/10/2019 20 DPL 23 0 2913
22 Luffy 2021-04-24 13 DPL 9 13 1817
22 yorbon ?? 8/9 DPL 17 5 1425
22 Dreniak 2020-09-25 16 DPL 11 11 1108
22 BaradaMC 2022-01-10 10 DPL 1 21 652
22 Exsys 09/25/2022 10 - 20 22 0 1958
22 SlavDog 06/07/2021 18 DPL 19 3 1910
22 Chanchilla 01/08/2021 15 DPL 22 0 2006
21 rachiewru Reset on 7 Dec 21 19 DPL 4 17 2160
21 leoluan 2020-08-20 9 DPL 21 0 1018
21 ze96 Reset 2022-01-23 (from 12) 7-8 DPL 1 20 0
21 satyr32 2022-02-13 8–9 DPL 1 20 108
21 Lihis Dec 2021 12 DPL 5 16 1518
20 yemi90 13/10/2021 11D 10 10 266
20 gilgordil 02/10/2021 10D 10 10 40
20 Beyond_Sleepy Reset 30/12/2021 ??? 1 19 1938
20 Ninkastmin 14/01/2023 as fast as possible 1 19 0

\color{lightgreen}\mathrm{10 - 19}
19 tejavi 1/20/21 8/9DPL 14 5 698
19 yust 2021-06-04 ~10 DPL 19 0 440
19 sawkilluabutnowhegon 20-01-2021 ~15 DPL 18 1 1257
19 squigamaloosh 10/07/2021 ~10 DPL 14 5 36
19 melisma 2021-10-09 14 DPL 4 15 1632
18 SunnyCapriccio 10/14/21 10 DPL 7 11 1116
18 anamontilla 2021-05-11 11 D/PL 18 0 759
18 elbaito Aug 6 2021 10-11 DPL 13 5 236
18 Kashalala 01/20/20 10 DPL 8 10 17
18 Greed992 Reset 26/12/2021 9 DPL 8 10 0
18 Zalinius 2022-01-19 10 DPL 1 17 460
18 IQstorm Reset 2023/01/28 8 DPL 1 17 273
17 szeszesze 17/04/21 15 DPL 4 12 1404
17 SteveDoesJapanese 6/15/22 8 DPL 1 16 0
17 jujuhermit 27/09/2020 14 DPL 17 0 1624
17 Zyri 2021-05-0 15 D / PL 15 2 606
17 CrystalEnby 8/17/2021 10DPL 13 4 37
17 Kudryavka_Eve 21/5/22 X 7 0 0
17 yesnoonetwo 2021/12/24 17 DPL 2 15 1096
16 Diiixn Reset 22/12/2021 14 DPL 2 14 121
16 kiwi_7 2021-04-07 14 DPL 16 0 346
16 Bayobails Reset 2022-12-09 10 DPL 1 15 1402
15 MothKau 21/06/2021 10 15 0 42
15 mkalbert Start 7-21-17 Reset Q4 21 10-11DPL 14 1 522
15 johanakerman 06/07/2022 45 DPL 15 0 1257
15 Darzington 26/01/2022 12.5 DPL 1 14 550
15 madeleineeig 2021-03-18 /~ 41 DPL 11 4 672
14 Taurace Feb 2017 X 11 3 1319
14 Toasteh_ghosteh 12/20/2019 ?DPL 14 0 405
14 Caitlan reset 08/2021 8-20 DPL 13 1 55
14 emgv June 2021 15-20 DPL 12 2 401
14 Fezodge 03/07/2021 11 DPL 12 0 309
14 HanaHanabira 11/12/2021 11 DPL 6 8 0
14 patternfinder Reset 2021/12/23 10 DPL 2 12 0
14 TheGabbys reset to level 11 April 2022 30+ DPL 11 3 1036
14 SpaceLynn14 03/11/21 15~20 DPL 4 8 383
14 GabrielHawke 25/05/2022 13 DPL 4 10 613
13 Alpraka 22/06/23 10 dpl 11 3 1013
13 AnimeOverlord 10/14/2021 7-16D/L 12 1 0
13 Cruciarius 2018-09-26 28 2 11 X
13 marimoraes 30/01/2022 13 DPL 13 0 252
13 luizfranca 2021-02-07 14 DPL 13 0 682
13 myriam0 19/6/21 10 DPL 13 0 701
13 JFHoll 05/01/2023 ~17 DPL 1 12 402
12 Abbe42 2022/01/02 X 12 0 408
12 arexgill 12/01/2022 10 DPL 12 0 0
12 gloomDev 2020-10-19 ~9 11 0 465
12 Quantea 2021-04-23 13 DPL 8 4 0
12 mintrunning 2017/10/25 ~27DPL 10 2 726
12 Haru-Haruki Reset 03/04/22 8 DPL 10 2 196
12 anzhari December 23, 2021 14DPL 12 0 0
12 MiScan 11/26/2021 10 DPL 5 7 0
12 BoppingB 21/09/2022 11 DPL 9 3 0
12 MichaM 2022-10-11 7 DPL 1 11 0
12 Alyosha 2022-07-12 11 DPL 7 X 0
12 mythic_bean reset 2023-04-08 x 6 5 220
11 Bronsemaku Reset 8 Dec 2023 10 DPL 1 10 0
11 Yaana Re. 2022-01-07 10 DPL 1 10 0
11 AylaPanini 2021-11-06 9.7 DPL 3 8 0
11 KamratKarlsson 30/12/2021 ~9DPL 1 10 0
11 Kbreuckman97 01/16/2021 13 DPL 6 5 202
11 yookilaylee October 2021 X 8 3 320
11 Smallball4 2022-02-04 15DPL 11 0 445
11 Lupenza 16/07/21 16 DPL 6 5 542
11 kiteruns 2021-09-27 10 DPL 7 3 61
10 Hobbesisalive June 2020 Too slow 10 0 327
10 iroquisp 2021-03-05 30 DPL 10 0 0
10 Noctis92 29/12/2021 ~15D/LVL 7 3 0
10 Firelordzuko Reset 16/11/21 8-9 DPL 7 3 0
10 jikiliou 11/01/21 10 DPL 3 7 0
10 Mokke 2021-11-11 18 DPL 6 3 914
10 BritishCanuck 1/3/2022 10 DPL 1 9 0
10 Jacob1 2021-08-09 18 DPL 3 7 32
10 lxtsuna 16/06/2022 8-9 DPL 5 5 0
10 HcGamer64 2022-04-25 19 DPL 10 0 0
10 Euruzilys Reset 2023-01-01 8 DPL 1 9 0
10 NarwhalAoibhe 2023-09-11 18.5 DPL 10 0 0

\color{lightblue}\mathrm{01 - 09}
9 Borsoe 1/1/2022 9 DPL 2 7 0
9 Coyoteclaw11 Reset 01/01/20 17 DPL 9 0 972
9 XMPL0 Jan 2022 ~11 8 1 682
9 terngkub 2022-01-29 9 DPL 1 8 0
9 Sami94 26/01/22 8-9 DPL 9 0 0
9 larkspur94 June 12, 2022 8 DPL 4 5 0
9 ImpactFrames 2020/10/7 45 DPL 6 3 948
8 Joeni 28/2/2023 ~8 1 0 0
8 PurplePipes 23/03/2022 9 DPL 1 7 0
8 ivyflorences 02/26/2022 9 DPL 3 4 0
8 mqlearns 2021/06/24 21 DPL 8 1 0
8 Tommigirl 09/08/2020 36DPL 8 0 611
8 Testuser2 2021-12-14 9 DPL 3 5 0
8 Kimra 2021-07-31 12 DPL 8 0 10
8 JKit 19/12/2020 8 DPL 3 5 0
8 GTbrew Reset 2022-01-10 11 DPL 1 7 0
8 Rigansginger 10/10/2021 15 DPL 4 4 123
8 hphedwig34 6/9/22 8 DPL 5 3 0
8 CopperBoom 2022-01-12 19 DPL 0 8 85
7 Maru_maru 2021/01/01 11 6 1 619
7 Belle_070 1/5/21 X 7 0 237
7 Tecmd Nov 28, 2021 10-15 DPL 7 0 61
7 ScaletheCastleWalls 24/01/2021 ?DPL 6 1 566
7 SudenSisu 09/09/2019 100 DPL 5 2 313
7 MeriPi 21/05/2021 25 DPL 5 2 208
7 TimoVM 30/06/2020 7 DPL 1 7 0
7 soapy_soap reset 2022-06-22 ~19 DPL 1 6 0
6 Sithence 2021-07-28 ~28 DPL 6 X 0
6 wav 2021-07-05 16 DPL 5 1 33
6 Gramiante 01/12/2021 9 DPL 3 3 0
6 pandoravakarian Reset 2021-12-20 14 DPL 2 4 0
6 Merkuriy 12/29/21 7 2 4 0
6 BestOrange Sep 10, '21 25-30 DPL 6 0 0
6 Siolite 7/12/2021 many days 4 2 0
6 seochia 21/03/2022 ~8 DPL 5 1 0
6 mythic_bean 8th April 2022 6-7 DPL 1 5 0
6 AshaLowe 03/10/21 40 D/PL 3 3 341
6 Sciuto 23OCT2022 X 1 2 0
5 gailyn 29/12/2021 17.5 DPL 5 0 0
5 Nicko1412 27/13/2021 8-10 D / PL 5 0 0
5 xxsniffles 09/30/2021 16 D/PL 5 0 0
5 xxlovefood 2021-11-11 ~14 DPL 4 0 0
5 helen3 04/11/2021 ~23 4 1 0
5 VividStrike 12/11/2021 15 D / PL 3 2 0
5 veroli 14/01/22 5 1 4 0
5 SuRaLaki 27/11/21 29 5 0 0
5 linkup 19/01/2022 14 DPL 3 2 0
5 whawt April 14, 2022 X 4 1 0
5 lunapuff Dec 27, 2021 X DPL 1 5 158
5 konerko14 Nov 8, 2022 17 DPL 1 4 0
4 clearhythm 2021-12-01 10 DPL 4 0 0
4 mikey2806 2023-2-16 ? DPL 4 0 0
4 MenduimLunar 2021-12-01 6 DPL 4 0 0
4 sorrowsown 8/01/2021 X 4 X 0
4 jaykat 10 Aug 2019 39 DPL 4 0 0
4 Cowynet 24/11/2021 8-9 DPL 4 0 0
4 Reiders 10/12/21 5 4 0 0
4 something1343 13/01/2022/X 12 4 0 0
4 boohan 25/07/21 10 4 0 0
4 szaatf 12/15/2021 11 DPL 2 2 0
4 jpbrown 08/30/2022 ~13 DPL 4 0 0
4 ImNotJahan 10/17/2022 ~8 DPL 4 0 0
3 leoxo 2021-12-04 ~14 DPL 2 0 0
3 omegabiblion March 16th, 2022 ~7 DPL 3 0 0
3 kawmadie Reset 07/12/2021 ~13 3 0 0
3 WovenSapling Reset 07/01/2022 4 3 0 0
3 Daley0409 2021-12-23 12 DPL 3 0 0
3 shelbi 01/16/2022 10-12 DPL 2 1 0
3 bats reset 5/30/22 8 DPL 2 1 0
3 lordofmuffins 5/30/22 X 0 3 0
2 abbeymarrie Reset 12/26/2021 8 D/PL 2 0 0
2 JohnInJapan 03/08/2021 87 D/PL 2 0 0
2 yordaa 29/12/2021 X/X 1 1 0
2 Kishibe_Rohan Reset 2022-01-04 15-100 DPL 2 0 0
2 OldNight 18/02/2022 X 1 0 0
2 Poxationz 21/5/2022 x 2 0 0
2 merci_Maria 06/07/2022 14 DPL 2 0 0
2 Stellari March 17, 2023 ~6 DPL 1 1 0
1 chanzilla 12/30/2021 X/X 6 X X
1 Shashwat88 31/12/2021 X 1 0 0
1 ATAG 04/01/2022 X 1 0 0
1 A_Person_Living_ 5/1/22 X 1 0 0
1 RyanRue April 18, 2023 (reset) ~7 DPL 1 0 0

I’ve always wanted to be a manly racer
Count me in


Go for it people!

It will be an honor to learn and race towards 60th level with you :ninja:


Thanks for making this post! I always wanted to join one but was too late every time. Do your best everyone!


Looking forward to the race everyone, thank you for showing up joining! Are we all okay with the name Manly Racers?



As in BNHA or am I just wierd


That was a name that showed up in BNHA?!? I had no idea.


Joining with pleasure :wink:


get yourself a nice PFP while you’re at it :grin:


PFP? What this stands for…?


Pretty flying Pterodactyl!
It means Profile Picture.


Thanks! I’m a total dumdum when it comes to abbreviations :sweat_smile:


A race with my pace of 15d/lvl is not a good idea i guess. :frowning:


I’m out there with you! It doesn’t have to be a race to 60 right away, the first goal is getting to 30 before the end of next year, you might speed up with some healthy compeition and community!


Well, it’s not actually about being first. If you have fun with it, then there’s no problem


Well , let’s go then boys and girls.
Notice that i have currently >100 lessons due to the end of last level stacking on current one. :exploding_head:


Same…I had to take a few extra days to complete mine and there are still more from when I had a 500 review pile on one day.


am also around that speed.
i reset after trying one week per level and burning out at level 41


I tried to do the 7 day levels thing and almost burned out on level 10 now I’m just taking my time and doing what I can