Learning through Translating: ブラックジャックによろしく Manga

第2話 ウナギとゴッドハンド

Episode 2, Eels and God hands

Places and names↓
  • 斉藤 英二郎 (さいとう えいじろう): the main character. He is an idealist who wants to be a doctor to help people as opposed to become rich.
  • 永禄大学: the Eiroku (or Eternal Fortune) university, where Saitou graduated. Abbreviation: 永大.
  • 誠同病院: Seidou hospital, a private hospital where Saitou did part-time job at night (on Episode 1). It paid well but was in conflict with Saitou’s values and beliefs.
  • 服部 脩(はっとり おさむ): director of Seidou hospital.
  • 牛田 克雄(うしだ かつお): doctor that worked at night at Seidou hospital. He told (on Ep.1) Saitou about how that hospital prefers traffic accidentees as their treatment is not reglemented and can be billed four times more. And tries to get back in contact with Saitou, by phone (Ep.2) then by letter (Ep.3).
  • 出久根 邦弥(でくね くにや): fellow intern that (Ep.2 & 3) trains with Saitou.
  • 第一外科 : 1st surgery department. Eiroku U. follows the “super rotate” method, in which interns train on various different services in rotation; at Ep. 2 & 3 Saitou trains here.
  • 春日部 一郎(かすかべ いちろう): nicknamed “God’s hands”, is a professor at the Eiroku University hospital that just do initial incisions, and otherwise is interested only in study of eels.
  • 白鳥 貴久(しらとり たかひさ): doctor at the 1st surgery department that did the actual operation (Ep.2) at which “God’s hands” appeared. He is the instructor of Saitou and Dekune.
  • 金子 敏夫(かねこ としお): the 75 year old person that got the surgery (Ep.2). Pr. Shiratori assigns Saitou to take care of him; the operation was successful, but he is still unconscious.
The story so far : page by page↓

Each dropdown section reveals the original Japanese text, and its interpretation into English, on those pages
(click on the letter/number in front of each text to go to the post(s) with full details on analyzing the text)

(up to p. 6 it was done on an external forum; put here for reference)

  • 1, 2 & 3 : 医者って一体なんだ…?
    What does it mean to be a doctor…?
    (it’s) one week from that night
    and so the answer (still) doesn’t come out
  • 4 : Answering machine: 只今 留守にしております
    I am currently out
  • 5 : ご用のある方はピーッという発信音のあとにメッセージをどうぞ
    If you need to, please leave a message after the beep sound
  • 6 : Recorded message: えー誠同病院の牛田です
    Uh… It’s Ushida of Seidou Hospital…
  • 7 : 院長がまた斎藤くんに当直のバイトを頼めないかと申しておりました
    The director has said we should request you to take part-time shifts again.
  • 8 : Ushida: 留守電に気づいたら連絡を下さい
    Please get in touch if you notice the answering machine
    9 : またこちらからも連絡します
    I will also contact you again from here
  • 10 : Saitou: 一週間前ーー 僕は当直のバイト先の病院でひん死の患者を目の前に逃げ出した…
    A week ago, at my most recent part-time shift at the hospital, I ran away from a patient dying before my eyes
  • 11 : あの時院長が来なければ患者は確実に死んでいた
    If the director had not come at that moment, the patient would have died.
  • 12 : Director: ほっといても死ぬ…どうせ死ぬなら腹を開けろ
    “if they’ll die anyway, open them up”
  • 13 : Saitou: 僕は いまだにここから動けずにいる
    I’m…still stuck here or I…still cannot move from here
  • 14 : Saitou: このまま田舎に帰りてエエエエエ‼
    as long as nothing changes, I want to go hooooooome…
  • 15 : Narrator: 七月 そんな思いとは関係なく大学病院での日々は続いていた
    July – Despite of those thoughts, the days at the university continued
  • 16 : ①えー…本日より7月…
    today, in July
    In three months time you will graduate from your foundational training as medical interns.
    Furthermore, you will also be receiving genuine training/enter genuine training.
  • 17 some Professor: 当 第一外科で研修する者は7名
    and then, he names of the 7 persons that will train at the 1st surgery (service)
  • 18 : 出久根 邦弥
    Dekune Kuniya
    斉藤 英二郎
    Saitou Eijirou
  • A : お早うございまーーす!
    Good morning
    It’s time to collect blood!
  • B : Patient: なあ先生 医者ってやつは もうかるん だろ
    Nah, Sir, aren’t you physicians wealthy?
    Next time, won’t you see my daughter?
  • C : Saitou: なぜみんな医者を金持ちだと思っているんだろう?
    "I wonder why everyone thinks that doctors are rich?*
  • D : 僕の月給は3万8千円!当直のバイトでもしなきゃ生活もきしなし程ビンボ一なのに!!
    My monthly salary is ¥38,000, but without my part time job for living, I’m poor
  • E : Dekune : 分かったからオレにるなよ斉藤
    All right, so don’t let me go, Saito.
  • A : some professor: 用意のできた者から手術場に入るように
    You need to get ready in order to enter the operating room.
  • B & C: 全員そろった所で説明を始めるぞー
    Everyone present here will begin.
    Narrator: ご存知かも知れないが大学病院とは教育・研究・診療の3つを目的とした特殊な病院であり
    You may know that university hospitals are special hospitals that target three things, teaching/research/treatment, and…
  • D: 通常 大学の医学部に附属して設置されている
    *…are usually established and attached to the medical faculty of a university.”
    (文部科学省 大学設置基準)
    (standard on the establishment of univiersities, of the ministry of education science and culture)
  • E : つまり大学病院とは診療だけを目的とした病院ではないのだ
    That is, a university hospital is not a hospital that intends to (do) only treatment.
  • F : Professor: 本日の患者は75歳の男性
    “Today our patient is a 75 years old male”.
  • G: 肝硬変による食道静脈瘤破裂と肝性昏睡を合併している
    “Rupture of oesophagial varices and hepatic coma developed due to the cirrhosis”
  • A : Narrator: 僕が今いるのは第一外科 主に食道・胃・腸や肝臓の手術を担当する科だ
    “I am now at the first external department; that department is mainly responsible of esophagus/stomach/intestines and liver surgery.”
  • B : ①大学病院での研修医の研修方式は大きく分けて2つある
    There are roughly two ways of becoming an intern in the university hospital
    The first method is to choose one department, join the department, and focus on that; that’s the ‘straightforward method’
  • C :
  • D : もうひとつは2年間どこの科を回ってもよいスーパーローテート方式だ
    Another way to obtain residency is via the Super Rotation Method, which is done by spending two years doing clinical rotations in various departments.
  • E : 永禄大学附属病院の場合はスーパーローテート方式で
    In the case of the the hospital associated with Eiroku university, it’s the supeer-rotate method
  • F : 僕達は一科に2-3ヵ月かけて色々な科で研修を行う
    We spend 2 to 3 months in each department, getting training in various departments
  • G : そして2年間のうちに
    Within a period of two years…
    each of us will be taking a decision on the department that we must follow ourselves
  • H : Surgeon: 間もなく春日部教授がいらっしゃる
    Professor Kasukabe will come very soon
    Today, I have been told that the surgical operation will be done by the Professor in person.
  • A : Narrator: ゴッドハンド春日部教授
    Professor “God hands” Kasukabe
  • B : 永大の奇跡 手術歴30年にして手術ミスなどの術後トラブルは一例もない。
    The marvel of the Eiroku University; he hasn’t made a mistake in all of his surgery procedures even once in his 30 years of service.
  • C : Pr. Kasukabe: ウナギとは違うもんですね
    Eels are different things
  • D : Pr. Shiratori: 見事な切り口です教授
    Superb incision professor
  • E : Pr. Kasukabe: それじゃあとは頼みます
    please ask for me if you need me;
  • F : 私は研究に戻ります
    I’ll return to my studies.
  • G : Pr. Shiratori: 手術を続けるぞ
    We continue our surgery.
  • H : そこの研修医こっちに戻れ
    the medical intern there, return back to me
  • I : Saitou: なんだったんだ…? 今の…?
    what is it now
  • J : この先生…早くはないけどすごく仕事がていねいだな…
    that professor… he isn’t fast, but (his) impressive work is conscientious
  • K : Dekune: 自分が病気になったら 絶対大学病院には入院しないね…
    If I myself get ill I definitely won’t be hospitalized at a university hospital.
  • L : すっ裸で手術台に載せられてさ
    to be put stark naked on an operating table…
    Should the penis (of a patient) be shown (made visible) to interns like us?
  • M : (still to do)
  • N : Saitou: 無理だよ!
    That’s impossible!
    I have nor free time nor money
  • O : Dekune: だったらまた当直とうちょくのバイトやれよ
    If that’s the case you can do your part time job at 80,000 円 for one night
  • A : Saitou: 無理だよ!
    That’s impossible!
  • B : ねえ出久根くん
    Hey Dekune-kun
    That surgical procedure (reference to cutting open the patient) by the professor just before, was there any meaning to it?
  • C : Dekune: ウワサじゃ あの教授の手術はいつも皮膚切開だけらしい…
    The rumor has it that that professor only ever performs the skin incision.
    Usually, he’s only doing eel dissections (based on what people say).
  • D : Saitou: だって30年間手術ミスがない人なんだろ……?
    But he is a person who hasn’t made a surgical mistake in 30 years
  • E : Dekune: 30年間皮膚切開だけ 確かに失敗してないよね……
    (He) only (did) skin incisions for thirty years, (he’s) certainly not messing up (doing that).
    (at the rear 食券販売機 : meal ticket vending machine)
  • F : 結局 教授けっきょく きょうじゅであるって ことと……
    名医めい いであるか どうかは無関係むかんけい ってことだな……
    In the end (the fact of) being a professor and being a famous doctor (or not) is unrelated.
  • G : 実験論文を書いて博博士号をとり…
    Writing an experimental thesis to obtain a Ph.D., then
    that research is continued devotedly and a person who produces a lot of thesis will become a professor.
  • H : 患者のために病院の中を走り回り…
    腕を磨き続けた人は 教授になれない…
    Running around inside the hospital for the patients…
    people that continue polishing their skills won’t be able to become professors…
  • A : Saitou : でもさ… もしも腕に自信ないなら執刀なんてしなきゃいいじゃないか
    Saitou: “But in the case that a person doesn’t have confidence in their ability, they won’t don’t have to perform surgery right?”
  • B : だって〝教授〟だよ
    but he is a professor
    surely there is some meaning
  • C : Pr. Shiratori: この場合は金だ
    In this case it’s money.
  • D :
    professors earn up to a million yen as a “gift, favor” from the patient’s family/families.
  • E : 家族かぞくからすれば天下てんか永大教授えいだきょうじゅたのめば安心あんしだとおもったんだろう
    If it was from (the patient’s?) family, I would think that they would ask the world famous Professor to make (the patient) safe.
  • F : Saitou: アナタはさっきの執刀医の…
    You were that surgeon just now/a moment ago
  • G : Pr. Shiratori: 第一外科の白鳥貴久だ
    I am Shiratori Takahisa of the first surgery department.
  • H : 君達(きみたち)(ひと)指導医(しどうい)をやらせてもらう(こと)になってる
    I am to be the preceptor of you two people.
  • I : 食事しょくじわったらんてくれ
    When the meal is finished, come
  • J : 午後から君達にも仕事をしてもらう
    I will have you guys also work starting this afternoon.
  • A : この人… さっき手術おじいさんですね
    That person is the old man who just got surgery isn’t?
  • B : 今のところ状態は安定している
    As it stands now, his condition is stable.
  • C : 一応 手術は成功したが今後も意識を回復する可能性は低い
    The surgery was somewhat successful but the possibility of recovery to consciousness is low.
  • D : 重度の肝不全合併で昏睡状態…
    A severe liver failure developed into a comatose state
  • E : 食道静脈瘤破裂による大出血で腎不全も伴っている
    The rupture of the vein of the oesophagus led to a lot of bleeding which is accompanied with renal failure.
  • F : 斎藤先生, 君にはこの患者の受け持ちをお願いする
    Doctor Saitou, you will be in charge of this patient please
  • G & H : ラシックス(利尿剤)で尿量を確保して手術記録を書いておいてくれ
    今 やる事はそれだけだ
    Use Lasix (a diuretic) to maintain his volume of urine and please write the surgery report.
    Right now, that’s all that can be done.
    出久根先生 君には他の患者を紹介する
    Dr. Dekune, I will introduce an other patient to you.
  • I : え…僕と一緒じたいんですか?
    (We) won’t be together?
  • J : 何言ってるんだ…?
    What (the heck) are you talking about?
    Having a single doctor in training doing that much is common sense in any hospital.
  • K : この患者の受け持ち医は…君だ
    You are in charge of this patient
  • L : 今日初めて僕は正式に入院患者を受け持ちつ事になった…
    Today, for the first time, I became officially in charge of an in-patient
  • M : 僕の使命はこの老人の命を守る事だ…
    My mission is to safeguard/protect this old man’s life
  • N : 金子敏夫75歳ーーー
    Kaneko Toshio, 75 years old"
    昨日 自宅で倒れ意識不明この病院へ運びこまれた
    Yesterday, he fell unconscious at his home and has been carried to this hospital
  • O : この人の生死僕は握っている
    The life and death of that person is my hands. (tweaked to sound good in English)
  • P : お前は医者だ…
    You are a doctor
    You may be a newbie, or you may be a half-time working, but for the patients you are a doctor (interpretation still on debate)
  • Q & R : これは試練だ…
    This is a test
    Whether or not I can become a genuine doctor…
    I’m being tested (on that)…!!

The Manga Available Online for Free
Episode 2 : 第2話 ウナギとゴッドハンド
Jisho: dictionary

Note: this episode 2 had also been used at Wasabi site for Japanese Reading Practice with Manga 1-2-1.
The reading exercises had been done without looking at there; but you can compare both, to see how good (or not) these exercises are.