April 24th Daily Reading ブラックジャックによろしく Manga Episode 2

I’ll go ahead and claim B and C so that I don’t bump the thread too much, I realized I was doing that yesterday just now.

Transcription Ⓑ

Vocabulary Ⓑ
全員【ぜんいん】adv. n. all members; everybody.
Note An ‘adverbial noun’. Now that’s an interesting concept. I had never paid attention to it before.
そろった: This is likely the kana version of 揃う, the past non-formal inflection of it:
そろう: v. to be complete, to be all present;
所【ところ】n. a place;
『で』I think it might be a conjunction here as opposed to the common ‘time of action’ and ‘means of action’. We’ll find out more once I start on the interpretation.
始める【はじめる】v. to begin;
『ぞ』sentence ending particle;

Transcription Ⓒ

Vocabulary Ⓒ
ご a polite prefix;
存知【ぞんじ】n. knowing;
知れない【しれない】v. knowing in the negative;
『が』subject particle (unless you aspire to the theory that there is no subject in Japanese);
大学病院【だいがくびょういん】n. university hospital;
『とは』particle compound I guess you’d call it. Not sure if you’re supposed to interpret as と+は or とは;
教育【きょういく】n. education, schooling, training;
研究【けんきゅう】n. study, research;
診療【しんりょう】n. diagnosis and treatment;
『の』possessive particle;
3つ: I believe this つ is a counter word;
『を』direct object particle;
目的【もくてき】n. purpose, goal, aim;
『と』maybe it’s a quotation particle here, not sure yet!
特殊 〜な adj. special, particular, unique;
病院【病院】n. hospital;
『で』part. manner of action;
あり: n. existing at the present moment;