April 28th Daily Reading ブラックジャックによろしく: Community Reading Exercise

Claiming E:




食道静脈瘤破裂 means a rupture of a varix of the oesophagus. Since I have no interest whatsoever in medical terminology I won’t even put the reading of that word. I’ll likely never stumble upon it again in my lifetime.

『に』indicates the location while よる is likely the v. meaning “to be due”. So the rupture of the vein of the oesophagus led to a lot of bleeding as indicated by 大出血 which is accompanied with renal failure (腎不全).
『に』indicates the location while よる is likely the v. meaning “to be due”.

So the rupture of the vein of the oesophagus led to a lot of bleeding as indicated by 大出血 which is accompanied with renal failure (腎不全).

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