カードキャプターさくら・Card Captor Sakura Offshoot Book Club🌸Vol 3 - Starting Mar 15th!

Welcome to the thread for Vol 3 of the カードキャプターさくら Offshoot Book Club!

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Current Week 3
Start Page 51
End page 73
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How To Participate:

There are three editions of Cardcaptor Sakura, all of which can be used for this book club.

For the Vol 3 reading, you will need one of the following:

  • the original edition (OG) of カードキャプターさくら Vol 3 (softcover or digital)

  • the refurbished edition (RE) ofカードキャプターさくら Vol 3 (hardcover or digital)

  • the anniversary editions (AE) of カードキャプターさくら Vol 2 and Vol 3 (hardcover)

Differences Between Editions

Card Captor Sakura has three editions: the original edition (OG), the refurbishment edition (RE), and the anniversary edition (AE).

  • The paperpack copy is OG, the original hardcover version is RE.

  • Digital versions are mostly RE, but some are OG.

  • To distinguish between OG and RE books, look between chapters. If there’s a picture of Kero-chan and the words “refurbishment edition,” you have an RE book.

  • The AE is a newer hardback edition. It has more chapters than either OG or RE books. For example, vol 1 of AE contains chapters 6 and 7, which are part of vol 2 for the OG and RE.

  • To check if your hardcover book is AE, simply look at the cover. It’ll say なかよし60周年記念版 on it near the bottom!

This reading is for カードキャプターさくら (Cardcaptor Sakura), NOT カードキャプターさくら クリアカード編 (Cardcaptor Sakura: Clear Card). Buy carefully!


Note: all page numbers are based on the print version of the refurbishment edition (RE).

If you are reading the digital edition of the RE, the digital page count will be a few pages ahead of the print. Please check how many pages off your copy is before using the page numbers below.

If you aren’t reading the refurbishment edition, the page numbers will be completely different than those listed below. Please pay special attention to the chapter number and the last panel for every week, which should be the same between editions.

Week Date Chapter Pages (RE) Page Count (no inter-chapter art)
1 Mar 15 11 pt 1 7-29 22
2 Mar 22 11 pt 2 30-50 19
3 Mar 29 12 pt 1 51-73 22
4 Apr 5 12 pt 2 74-98 22
5 Apr 12 13 pt 1 99-119 20
6 Apr 19 13 pt 2 120-144 22
7 Apr 26 14 pt 1 145-165 21
8 May 3 14 pt 2 166-189 24
Weekly Last Panels
Week 1

Week 2

Week 3

Week 4

Week 5

Week 6

Week 7

Week 8


The vocab sheet lists three sets of page numbers: OG (original edition), RE (refurbishment edition) and AE (anniversary edition). When adding page numbers, please use printed page numbers for consistency, even if you are using a digital edition.

Note: Work has been very busy and I do not expect to be able to regularly update the vocabulary list for this volume – Manga Kotoba may be a better resource for the time being.

Also see: Manga Kotoba.

Note: On occasion there have been differences in dialogue between the editions. If the vocab sheet contains words that you can’t find in your manga, please check if it’s for a different edition than yours!

Discussion Guidelines

Spoiler Courtesy

Please follow these rules to avoid inadvertent ネタバレ. If you’re unsure whether something should have a spoiler tag, err on the side of using one.

  1. Any potential spoilers, predictions and conjecture for the current week’s reading or earlier should be covered with a spoiler tag.

  2. All spoilers outside the current week’s reading (whether related to Card Captor Sakura or not) should be covered with a spoiler tag, and please label where the spoiler comes from if it’s not clear from the context.

Posting Advice

  • When asking for help, please mention the page number and your book edition

  • Check before posting if your question has already been asked and answered. You might be able to join an ongoing conversation!

  • Be sure to join the conversation! It’s fun, and it’s what keeps these book clubs lively! There’s no such thing as a stupid question! We are all learning here, and if the question has crossed your mind, there’s a very good chance it has crossed somebody else’s also! Asking and answering questions is a great learning opportunity for everyone involved, so never hesitate to do so!


Will you be reading vol 3 with the book club?

  • Yes
  • Yes, but I might start late
  • Maybe
  • No
0 voters

Don’t forget to set this thread to Watching in order to be notified when there are any important updates!

Week 1: Chap 11, Pt 1

Welcome to the first week of volume 3, folks! Congrats on making it this far!

Check out the home post for details on the week’s reading.

Happy discussing!

Participation Poll:

  • I’m reading along
  • I’ve already read this part
  • I’m still reading but I haven’t reached this section yet
  • I’m reading this after the book club has finished
0 voters
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I read a couple blog posts earlier this week about remembering to have fun when learning Japanese, so I’m trying a new thing this volume. I’m calling it “chill reading”. It’s where I relax and stop worrying so much about learning Japanese “properly” while reading. So far it’s working pretty good and helped me get caught up for the start of vol 3

(I guess it’s technically not vol 3 for me because I’m reading AE, but the point stands)


I think the best way to learn a language is the way that keeps you coming back for more :grin:

In a lot of cases that does mean keeping things relaxed and having fun! I’m glad you’ve found something that’s working for you, congrats on catching up c:


Alright, that’s enough for today! Ended at a the sudden reappearance of the mysterious stranger.

It was a nice and light start since there’s some recap at the beginning! That bunny hat is interesting! The shape feels pretty old-fashioned (understandably!) I wonder if Tomoyo made it.

Hell yeah, super excited to hear this! And to add to what zucchi said, I honestly sometimes feel like I learn faster reading that way anyway. Getting bogged down with details can make it easy to miss and forget the bigger picture and stuff just doesn’t stick that well. For me at least

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Really enjoyed this week’s reading! I feel like I really enjoy the more slice of life chapters much more than when the clow cards come out to play haha.

also that tomoyo confession out of nowhere was crazy!

now you know why i decided this week’s reading should have 22 pages :wink:

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Yamazaki-kun is so funny I’m loving this lolll
What a menace!

AE pg 135

What is going on with the page with all the classmates’ headshots and small descriptions? I cannot make much sense of it. I am roughly gathering that it is everyone’s impressions on the idea of a badminton grudge match? Or is it assessing them as participants?

AE 135

Yeah I think you have it with your first assessment, it’s their internal reactions to both what was just said but I think also the whole scene of Lee jumping up and being held back. This is also supported by the “Is it true?” “No he’s just joking” text in the background of the top panel being in line with those characters “reactions”

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Masterful work

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AE 135 (RE: 21)

That sounds about right, but I’d like to add a translation of Yamazaki’s statement to show why everyone has a reaction to it.


I didn’t know all those kanji at the bottom, but here’s what I looked up:

由緒正しい → ゆいしょただしい → having an ancient or honorable origin
(base words: 由緒 “history/lineage” and 正しい “correct”)
決闘 → けっとう → duel
方法 → ほうほう → method

(I’m not 100% confident on the details, but I do think I have the gist of this!)
“Don’t you know?
About badminton…
It’s a traditional dueling method passed down by the ancient Romans.”

Just to be clear badminton absolutely did not come from ancient Rome, it’s actually from the 1800s according to google.

Additional context:
it seems Yamazaki has a habit of messing with people.
5 pages earlier (RE: 16), Yamazaki tells Chiharu that emperor penguins grow to a height of 1.7 meters in adulthood, and the tallest one ever found was 3 meters tall. (This is not true. the average height is 1.2 meters apparently.)
Also, in vol 2 (RE: 186), Yamazaki says that he told Li Syaoran that Valentine’s day is a day to give chocolate to the people you like, but Chiharu points out that he didn’t mention that in the Japanese tradition, it’s specifically a day for girls to give chocolate to boys.

That’s why Chiharu immediately tells Sakura that what Yamazaki said was a lie – she’s heard him tell tall tales before!

Everyone’s reactions:
“しかし” means “but/however” and “ひょっと” means “possibly.”
So, I think this means “But she thinks it might be possible.” The “but” would be there because she told Sakura it was a lie beforehand.

I’ve never seen 信じそう before. tofugu says “verb stem + そう” means “looks like X is going to do something”
So maybe this is “looks like she’s starting to believe it.”

“believes it”
Li’s kind of clueless huh… someone protect this boy lol

“thinks she is being shown a good performance”
I don’t really get this one. I think maybe it means she’s enjoying the way Yamazaki is messing with Li, or maybe she thinks they’re both playing around.

“thinks it’s a joke”
I guess since Rika is mature she didn’t think for a moment that it might be real!

“thinks it would be interesting if that were true”
seems to me Tomoyo also knows it’s not true, but is happy to imagine a world in which it was.


I’ve been much less active than I used to in those thread, but I still somewhat reading along. Volume 3 let’s go !

AE 135

Whew thank you for the breakdown, that makes way more sense. I was able to roughly translate what Yamazaki said but I didn’t catch the connection between badminton and Ancient Rome specifically. I interpreted it roughly like admonishing Li for wanting to physically duel (as in, ancient Romans would duel but we are better than that now so why not do badminton instead)

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even if you have less to say lately, i’m happy you’re still reading with us :grin:

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Response to @zucchi:

AE 135 (RE: 21)

Sakura: 信じそうになっている
そうになる after the masu-stem means “to almost happen; to be about to happen”. So 信じそうになる would be “Sakura almost believes it” or “Sakura is about to believe it”. With the progressive form, I guess “Sakura is starting to believe it”. (So basically the same as what you had but a bit different grammar.)

My question:

OG 7 (first page)

In the little inset panel where Sakura says “(something)! ぜんぶ買った”, what are the two characters in “something”?

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"AE 135 (RE: 21)"

Ahh, thanks! Seem like masu-stem + そう + になる is a special case of masu-stem + そう, I didn’t think to look further than the first half :o

(These seem like really useful grammar points… will keep them in mind.)

OG 7 (RE: 7)

It’s “よし!”

Frankly I’m not even sure how I recognized the “よ” there lol. Looks like a music note or something…

OG 7 (RE: 7)

Good eye! よし makes perfect sense and the first character look more like a よ than anything else.

Ah, gold catch on the そうになる !

This love situation is getting complicated. I remember Ri first reaction when seeing Yuki, I thought that he was a clow card or something.

Turns out he’s just super hot.

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