To quote Moonstruckさん, author of the original しりとり thread:
The first person writes a Japanese word, then the next person writes a new Japanese word beginning with the last “letter” of the last person’s word. If someone ends a word in ん, they lose…because no words start with ん.
Person 1: 眼鏡 (めがね - glasses)
Person 2: 猫 (ねこ - cat)
Person 3: 子供 (こども - children)
Person 4: 勿論 (もちろん - of course)
Person 4 loses.
It’s a great way to learn new vocabulary from each other, looking it up, or exercise your memory. To increase everyone’s learning, let’s try to include the Kanji, reading, and English meaning when we can.
Let’s continue where we left off (´・ω・`)ノ
苺(いちご) strawberry
(Note to mods: honestly I had no idea where to put this, but since we’re practicing Japanese and it often includes Kanji… Kanji section? You can move it if needed.)