Hi all,
Behold the true power!
I just made a userscript that will bring your reviews in Radical, Kanji, Vocab order.Its a sketch yet, but its working (for me), soon i will update and bug fix.
Link: https://greasyfork.org/scripts/9695-wanikani-review-order/
[TECH CRAP] Updated with version 0.3:
Just to explain better, when Viet developed the client side review.
he added two stacks of reviews, “activeQueue” and “reviewQueue”.
ReviewQueue contains all your “TODO” reviews.
ActiveQueue gets 1 random item from ReviewQueue.
Each time an item is displayed in screen review, it gets a random item from this “ActiveQueue”. When you complete one of these items (answering Meaning+Readin), it will be removed from ActiveQueue, and the next item from ReviewQueue will be added on it (now ordered with my script).
So after answering the first random item, the ordered list will start to take place into “random activeQueue items”.
It may have BUGS, cause i didnt have so much time to test, please report me anything wrong.
(i will not take any responsibility if your reviews get something weird)
Also, WK True Result is coming soon with a new version, i delayed it because i think people would love this new userscript first ^^
Version 0.35:- I don’t even remember what changed, i just checked my computer and it was 0.35 already. I also re-uploaded to greasyfork.org.
Version 0.31:
- Two methods of reordering:
1) Bulk mode, keeps the current maximum 10 activeQueue size, as planned by Koichi/Viet.
2) Single mode, sets the current activeQueue to 1, this will make the meaning/reading come in pairs for the same item (as requested by a lot of users).
Screen will be like this now (yes, my review number raised) :
Version 0.30:
- Reorder script starts after clicking the button, in this way the bug for slow machines/big review list will not happen anymore.
- It still may have bugs if you are using another extension that manipulates the Review/Active queues.
Version 0.20:
- Removed 9 of 10 random items at beginning, now you just have to make the first random item (i will not change it), i clean the others items in the ActiveQueue, send them back to ReviewQueue to be ordered, then i get the first 9 items from the ordered ReviewQueue.
- Added a display count of how many items of each type you still have to do, just below the Status info. (i may remove this feature in the future and add it in the WK True Result userscript)