WaniKani Lesson Order - (Radical/Kanji/Vocab order) Userscript Extension

Hi all,

Behold the second true power! 

 (Sorry @viet @koichi)

I just made a userscript that will bring your lessons in Radical, Kanji, Vocab order.
Its a sketch yet, but its working (for me), soon i will update and bug fix.

Link: http://userscripts.org/scripts/show/182793

It may have BUGS, cause i didnt have so much time to test, please report me anything wrong. 
(i will not take any responsibility if your lessons get something weird)



Version 0.02:

- Just click the order button, and notice how it changes all other items in your batch list.
- This script will not change the First item, if you are not happy in learning the first lesson item, you have to refresh your page.

By “i will not take any responsibility if your lessons get something weird” do you happen to refer to this? ^^

divSt.innerHTML = ‘<img src=“http://images.wikia.com/nonsensopedia/images/5/58/Rickroll.gif”/>’;
var character = get(“main-info”);
character.innerHTML = ‘<img src=“gifsoup.comtrololo-lol-short-o.gif”/>’;
var hb = get(“header-buttons”);
hb.innerHTML = ‘<img src=“gifsoup.comtrololo-lol-short-o.gif”/>’;
console.log(‘reorder() end’


Naerro said... By "i will not take any responsibility if your lessons get something weird" do you happen to refer to this? ^^

divSt.innerHTML = 'http://images.wikia.com/nonsensopedia/images/5/58/Rickroll.gif"/>';
var character = get("main-info");
character.innerHTML = 'http://stream1.gifsoup.com/view3/1732953/trololo-lol-short-o.gif"/>';
var hb = get("header-buttons");
hb.innerHTML = 'http://stream1.gifsoup.com/view3/1732953/trololo-lol-short-o.gif"/>';
console.log('reorder() end'

 I would laugh at this a lot... If i could see it :(
Apraxas said...  I would laugh at this a lot... If i could see it :(
 What do you mean? The code is here: userscripts.org/scripts/review/182793 Or do you have no lessons atm?

Naerro said...
Apraxas said...  I would laugh at this a lot... If i could see it :(
 What do you mean? The code is here: userscripts.org/scripts/review/182793 Or do you have no lessons atm?

 no lessons, did them all yesterday
Apraxas said...  no lessons, did them all yesterday
 I see. Here it is then for your viewing pleasure ^^
Not the same as live but I did my best.

Naerro said...
Apraxas said...  no lessons, did them all yesterday
 I see. Here it is then for your viewing pleasure ^^
Not the same as live but I did my best.

 Well that looks awesome , does it have audio too? XD

Lol, no. Only the GIFs ^^ Maybe next time.

Naerro said... By "i will not take any responsibility if your lessons get something weird" do you happen to refer to this? ^^

divSt.innerHTML = 'http://images.wikia.com/nonsensopedia/images/5/58/Rickroll.gif"/>';
var character = get("main-info");
character.innerHTML = 'http://stream1.gifsoup.com/view3/1732953/trololo-lol-short-o.gif"/>';
var hb = get("header-buttons");
hb.innerHTML = 'http://stream1.gifsoup.com/view3/1732953/trololo-lol-short-o.gif"/>';
console.log('reorder() end'

 aww.. you just ruin an infinite number of people being trolled...

Ok guys, the true script is there, just  update it.

Tested and approved by Serenial and Breathless.

I’ll try this once the userscript website is back up. (502’d atm)

Stuart444 said... I'll try this once the userscript website is back up. (502'd atm)
 keep trying, i got lots of 502 yesterday.

Yay, it works!

Thanks a lot, Luc. ^^
I will be installing the script as soon as I get lessons.
P.S. I hope you were satisfied with the amount of people interested in your contributions to the Wanikani Family. You should become alucardeck of Sect Scripter. :slight_smile:

Juichiro said... Thanks a lot, Luc. ^^
I will be installing the script as soon as I get lessons.
P.S. I hope you were satisfied with the amount of people interested in your contributions to the Wanikani Family. You should become alucardeck of Sect Scripter. :)
 Not really, i still want 7 virgins, beer and sandwichs  :(

hmm   Sect Scripter would be cool ^^
alucardeck said...
Juichiro said... Thanks a lot, Luc. ^^
I will be installing the script as soon as I get lessons.
P.S. I hope you were satisfied with the amount of people interested in your contributions to the Wanikani Family. You should become alucardeck of Sect Scripter. :)
 Not really, i still want 7 virgins, beer and sandwichs  :(

hmm   Sect Scripter would be cool ^^
 Apraxas should provide that. Mayucchi handles the drink/food. I am the logistics brain-master.

Leveled up today and tried the extension.

Works great for the first batch but when I complete the quiz and get a new batch they aren’t ordered. I can just refresh the page and order them again so it’s not a huge problem. Still very useful this way too.

Anyway thanks for making it, very handy tool for when I don’t have time to do all the lessons at once.

Kaio said... Leveled up today and tried the extension.

Works great for the first batch but when I complete the quiz and get a new batch they aren't ordered. I can just refresh the page and order them again so it's not a huge problem. Still very useful this way too.

Anyway thanks for making it, very handy tool for when I don't have time to do all the lessons at once.
 About the refresh, i am not sure if i can handle this, would have to make huge changes on Viet's script.
He developed to be refreshed, so it will always lose the ordering on second batch =/

I thought it might be the case but just wanted to make sure it wasn’t a bug.
As I said it is already a huge help so no need to overexert yourself over it. Thanks again.