[STATS] Statistics site

Wanikani statistics site

Track your personal progress on Wanikani.

(formerly idigtech.com)

Table of Contents:


Q) Where do I find my API key?
A) On your Wanikani account settings menu [here].

Q) I have one (or more) really long level, and it’s messing up my estimated level-up. Can I ‘fix’ that?
A) Yes. On the Level Duration graph, click on the long level (or any level). It will become semi-transparent, and will be excluded from calculations.

Q) I leveled up, but my time is still adding to my last level.
A) Two possible problems: (a) You haven’t done any Radical lessons on your new level yet, which is the only way the site can determine when you leveled up, or (b) there’s a problem with your cached data (this is a known bug), which you can fix by selecting Force Refresh from the user menu on the site. Either way, your levels will eventually report the correct level-up time.

Q) The ‘loading’ bar reaches 100%, but it gets stuck and doesn’t show my stats.
A) This is most likely a cache issue, or your API key has changed. Select Logout from the user menu on the stats site, then re-enter your API key.

Personal statistics:

Item tracking:

Item Tracking

[ https://www.wkstats.com/#charts.jlpt ] - JLPT kanji -vs- Wanikani level [ https://www.wkstats.com/#charts.joyo ] - Joyo kanji -vs- Wanikani level [ https://www.wkstats.com/#charts.freq ] - Most frequent kanji -vs- Wanikani level [ https://www.wkstats.com/#charts.read ] - Kanji frequency for News, Books, Twitter, and Wikipedia

URL Parameters:

Optional: Specify parameters in the URL (see instructions and supported options here)

  • Link to a specific portion of the page (charts, item tracking, etc)
  • Bookmark a friend’s stats without interfering with your own cached stats.
  • Bookmark a specific chart.
  • Use the site with cache disabled.

Stop teasing us, you deceitful black cat!

Great image though.

EDIT: but why make a placeholder thread for this ;p

Cool improvements! Link in OP doesn’t work though.

1 Like
Mempo said... Stop teasing us, you deceitful black cat!
Great image though.
 Lol..   For posterity, I'll capture what Mempo's talking about, because soon it will be replaced.

Original thread title:  "Pending..."

rfindley said... These are not the droids you're looking for.

Move along…


1 Like

Shakes with excitement.

Seriously tho, that tease ;(

I think I found the droids… and their estimate is frightening … goes into hiding

Ahhhhh it’s so pretty! I haven’t even looked through everything yet. I’m just so excited by pretty things. 

sumsum said... I think I found the droids... and their estimate is frightening ... *goes into hiding*
 Hehe... Yeah, your two long levels really mess up the average.  But click them on the "Level Duration" graph to exclude them from the averages, and things start looking a lot better.



Holy cow.  This is amazing.  Thank you!

1 Like

OK now I’ve clicked through everything and I LOVE it. Adding in the different media types in addition to JLPT/Joyo/Frequency was a nice touch! You’re so wonderful sir. 


Love it

1 Like

Super clean ! Thank you !

loving it! Amazing stats too thanks @rfindley 

rfindley said...

* Optional:  Specify parameters in the URL:
   - Bookmark a friend’s stats without interfering with your own cached stats.
   - Bookmark a specific chart.
   - Use the site with cache disabled.
   - (and no… that’s not a real API key shown above :slight_smile: )

This is pretty neat :slight_smile: I now have it bookmarked with my api-key in. (I delete history and cookies and stuff once I close my browser) I did bookmarked the #progess page without any excludes though… reminder for myself that slacking of is bad :stuck_out_tongue:

Cool beans

Been using it [since before your post :slight_smile: ] and it is fantastic.  

Thanks for additional URL parameters.  Will post here if any issues.


Glad I’m going to burn everything in 2018, lol…

Anyways, it looks nice! I’ll need to get used to the new format though. Makes me feel like a bit less of a failure though, which is nice.

I love this but it says I won’t burn everything until 2037 LOL. Damn. I think I just became unmotivated :c

Eriksaurus said... I love this but it says I won't burn everything until 2037 LOL. Damn. I think I just became unmotivated :c
 Sounds like you definitely have a super long level. Click it to hide it from the stats asap and become motivated again!
Cassykins said... Sounds like you definitely have a super long level. Click it to hide it from the stats asap and become motivated again!
 Thanks! That worked! Early 2018 it is!