Wanikani statistics site
Track your personal progress on Wanikani.
(formerly idigtech.com
Table of Contents:
- Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ)
- Personal Statistics
- Item Tracking
- Chart Links (no API key required)
- URL Parameters
Q) Where do I find my API key?
A) On your Wanikani account settings menu [here].
Q) I have one (or more) really long level, and it’s messing up my estimated level-up. Can I ‘fix’ that?
A) Yes. On the Level Duration graph, click on the long level (or any level). It will become semi-transparent, and will be excluded from calculations.
Q) I leveled up, but my time is still adding to my last level.
A) Two possible problems: (a) You haven’t done any Radical lessons on your new level yet, which is the only way the site can determine when you leveled up, or (b) there’s a problem with your cached data (this is a known bug), which you can fix by selecting Force Refresh from the user menu on the site. Either way, your levels will eventually report the correct level-up time.
Q) The ‘loading’ bar reaches 100%, but it gets stuck and doesn’t show my stats.
A) This is most likely a cache issue, or your API key has changed. Select Logout from the user menu on the stats site, then re-enter your API key.
Personal statistics:
Item tracking:
Direct links for charts (no API key needed):
[ https://www.wkstats.com/#charts.jlpt ] - JLPT kanji -vs- Wanikani level [ https://www.wkstats.com/#charts.joyo ] - Joyo kanji -vs- Wanikani level [ https://www.wkstats.com/#charts.freq ] - Most frequent kanji -vs- Wanikani level [ https://www.wkstats.com/#charts.read ] - Kanji frequency for News, Books, Twitter, and WikipediaURL Parameters:
Optional: Specify parameters in the URL (see instructions and supported options here)
- Link to a specific portion of the page (charts, item tracking, etc)
- Bookmark a friend’s stats without interfering with your own cached stats.
- Bookmark a specific chart.
- Use the site with cache disabled.