Re Zero book club home thread

I have a physical copy, but I’m on my way to work.
So I can answer your question in approx. 11 hours, if no one else did it first.


Good luck with work seems kinda hardcore.


The pages are probably wrong, actually… When I was reading Kino they were wrong, for Haruhi they are wrong and they’re probably wrong for コンビニ too :man_shrugging:


Some pages are born wrong; other pages are wrong to be born.


From what I found out the pages will always be wrong in an ebook. I have a physical copy so let me check.


I can’t for the life of me find any of those phrases with the time I have right now… I’ll recheck later, but.

To note, every chapter in Re:Zero is split into parts, so it’ll be better to simply pause each week at the end of one of the parts. It’s very doable, makes more sense, and is easier for everyone. Pretty sure it’s there on the ebooks too.

For example:

Week 1: chapter 1 part 1 (p11) to chapter 1 part 5 (p32)

Always inclusive, and pages are the physical pages.


To add to what @mrahhal said, that’s on page 25, in the middle of a conversation, so a very strange place to cut.


Ideally, 20 pages would be till Part 5’s start,p 32, 中へと落ちていった。
Then with another 18.5 pages, you could cut at the start of Part 7, on page 51, 届かなかった。
Then with 20.5 pages, you could cut at the start of Part 10 page 72, 大きく振りながら。
Edit:I could do this if you want since I have both the physical and ebook (tho tbh I’d prefer it if someone else would do it, unless it doesn’t have to be right now)


seems good for the first two but at the third week we will need to increase the pace around 35 pages per week.

I do understand that some people will prefer the act rather than just cutting in the middle of a dialogue so we can do that but I will need the part number, the pages and the last bit of text from it since I don’t have the physical book. It can be done week per week.


So I know we are to start reading so I will do a quick 24 hours only poll.

Would you prefer to read a certain number of page that will stay stable.(same number of pages everyday) or do by act even if the number of page can vary from time to time.(I will try to make it around 35 pages)

  • Fixed number of page
  • By act

0 voters

If we do it by act I will need a nice person with a physical book to tell me whcih act will approximatly be 20 pages for the first 2 weeks. An 35 pages for the next(For the later it can be later on). I have the Ebook so if I do it it might not be what it really is though. But I can do it if you like to gamble on it :smiling_imp:


That would be until the end of section 4 of chapter 1 (page 32) then until the end of section 6 (page 51).
Then a little bit longer than 35 pages (37 actually if we ignore the illustration), but until the end of chapter 1 :tada:


Thanks for your support :blush: Can I count on you to tell me which part we need to stop each week? (You can just tell me one at a time not need to have them all at once)

Btw guys you will never guess what I found. That cool guy made a super nice thread that you must look at :stuck_out_tongue: Re zero Volume 1 Week 1 discussion I don’t know who that guy is but he really is the best. I sooooo wish I could see him.

Edit: Does someone have the power to change the Kino voice chat in discord to re-zero or just give me the power to do so?

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@seanblue does, or at least has the power to make a new voice chat or something? I’m discord-illiterate.

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By the way, could you put the link to the discussion thread in the first post? It’s easier to look up that way.

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Strangely enough it looks like my thread name have changed by itself. It’s a better name but i’m getting scared of ghosts now :stuck_out_tongue:

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Them damn ghosts, amiright.

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By the way, when are we having the second week thread? On Monday (since the official start date was on a Monday I think)?


We started on the first, so I also think it’s tomorrow, yeah. Unless we’re not doing weekly for some reason.

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The next thread should be out Sunday during the afternoon or evening.(which should be out for Monday morning in Japan) You will be notified in this thread and the link will be in the comment I will make and the OP.

Don’t worry it is weekly.


I just wanted to write to say thanks you again for those who participated in the reading aloud session it was really fun to do it with everyone. If you had any comments on something you would prefer just leave it here. For those who wanted to come and missed it don’t worry it’s open every week to everyone. (I know i’m kinda insisting a lot on that but I want it to be a success so endure it a little longer)

The same goes for anyone who have proposition of what to change/add to make this book club for useful and have any idea like having a short resume of the reading or something just write it down here.

I know it’s early but I wanted to know your first impression on the book in therm of difficulty.(Because it’s would be way too soon to ask if you like the story of not)

  • Easy to read and understand
  • Not especially hard or easy.
  • Kinda hard, need some efforts
  • Very hard, need lots of time and concentration
0 voters

Oh! and btw week two is out so don’t hesitate to ask question on it.