I think @icefang97 meant “until the end of chapter 5”, even, since that’s closer to 35 pages and what’s posted in the home thread(unless it was changed or something)
Now that the the op is fixed and I can be sure I didn’t read too far…
First of all, nice, ラインハルト is back
And after reading the whole thing:
Every interaction between Subaru and ラインハルト so far has just been all-around amazing(as is ラインハルト himself, apparently, judging by how pretty much everything he does is described). That first line of the final part of the chapter is also quite something(well, there isn’t anything super special about the sentence itself, more just that it’s like “well, the story could have ended here and then this would just have been a happy ending without any complications… but we’re not doing that!”).
As @Ditto20 said, that was the original plan to read 35 pages a week. Reading the epilogue would bump the page count a lot — I’m okay with that though.