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Be sure to join the conversation! It’s fun, and it’s what keeps these book clubs lively! There’s no such thing as a stupid question! We are all learning here, and if the question has crossed your mind, there’s a very good chance it has crossed somebody else’s also! Asking and answering questions is a great learning opportunity for everyone involved, so never hesitate to do so!
Proper Nouns
Will you be reading with us?
Yes, but I might start late
Which version will you be reading?
Don’t forget to set this thread to Watching in order to be notified when weekly threads get posted!
The kindle version is also ¥924 (with 9 pts discount for your next purchase).
What do you consider ‘cheap’? I think that Japanese books are incredibly cheap compared to book prices in Germany - at least if you don’t have to pay the considerable postage fees for physical books from Japan.
I think there should be a BookWalker 50% coin cashback on all books around Dec 1st as it’s the company’s anniversary. In that case, the current sale and the cashback will stack
And you’re even reading it in physical form! You’re much braver than me
My only hope right now is that the Beginner’s Light Novel Book Club doesn’t also elect one of the things that I want to read (at least that one will be “just” be L27-29…), or I’ll have three book clubs in the flavours “Doable in a day if I stretch it”, “This’ll take multiple days out of my week” and “Why did I ever think this was a good idea”
But while L31 is the highest I ever tried to read, at least this time it’s a book I’m genuinely excited for. So maybe that’ll carry me along.
(For context, my comfort zone with digital lookups is ~L23, and the highest I read and thought it was hard but a good experience was L26.)
Proposed schedule
There are 12 chapters, prologue, side story and atogaki. My suggestion is that we take it slow at the start by reading the prologue during the first week and splitting chapter 1 (30 pages) into two weeks, preferably at a natural breakpoint. I’m splitting chapter 7 (33 pages) and 8 (30 pages) into two weeks each as well.
Chapter 13 is an overview of the characters introduced so far while the atogaki is just a few pages, so those can be one week together. We could even squeeze those in with the previous week, that’s also possible. On the other hand, leaving those as is could leave some elbowroom for those who might have fallen behind schedule.
(*)The exact page count for the split chapters are yet to be decided.
Start Page
Page Count
Week 1
Week 2
1 (part 1)
Week 3
1 (part 2)
Week 4
Week 5
Week 6
4 (part 1)
Week 7
4 (part 2)
Week 8
5 (part 1)
Week 9
5 (part 2)
Week 10
Week 11
7 (part 1)
Week 12
7 (part 2)
Week 13
8 (part 1)
Week 14
8 (part 2)
Week 15
9 (part 1)
Week 16
9 (part 2)
Week 17
Week 18
11 (Epilogue)
Week 19
Week 20
13 + Atogaki
End page
I’m unsure what the end page is. @MaraVos Could you check for me, please?
We can also do a pace-check poll after a couple of weeks and see what people think about the pace and schedule.
What do you guys think? Should we split more chapters or try it like this first?
Edit: I’ve split chapter 4, 5 and 9 as well.
Edit2: End page confirmed.
Just looking at the sheer numbers, I’m worried that chapters 4 and 5 might be a bit long for a single week, and also chapter 9 - they are all 25+ pages, and the usual IBC pace is more like 15 pages.
But maybe the pages are not just text, given this is a light novel? Could somebody who already has the book please check whether there are any images in these chapters or whether it’s really just text?
Although there are still some slightly longer weeks left, they are nicely counterbalanced by shorter weeks, so people who worry that they cannot manage the longer weeks can always read ahead or trail behind for a little bit in the shorter weeks.
There is a point in that, considering comparing to cost of living and price of other books. And so, the IBC top contender might be purchasable, even if it doesn’t get any much cheaper.
In the end, how cheap is “cheap” is comparing to other books in fiction category and on the same platform, especially when on sale. If it gets down to 500, I wouldn’t say a thing.
I have access to Kindle JP too, though I hardly purchase anything there.
That’s more than a 50% discount. That’s extremely rare for ebooks, but it happens (I grabbed volume 1 of 本好き and the slime LN free to keep even). You are honestly better off looking for a coupon (however 50% is the max on booklive; don’t know about Bookwalker; that’s still closer to 700 jpy)
Seems like this was already figured out, but just in case, the audiobook chapter track lengths might give a better idea of how long each chapter really is.