Week 1: サイレント・ウィッチ 🤫 🧙‍♀️

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Silent Witch :shushing_face: :woman_mage: Home Thread

Week 1

Start Date: Jan 4
Next Part: (TBA)


Week Chapter End page End % End on Page Count
Week 1 プロローグ 15 5% End of プロローグ 11

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Proper nouns this week

Name Note
アガサ 侍女
イザベル・ノートン ケルベック伯爵令嬢
アラン 馬丁、アガサの弟
シェフィールド 風の精霊王

The trailer just came out for celebrate the beginning of Week 1 !

I didn’t know this series at all, but I’ll give it a try :blush:


I was very excited to start reading the story, so I finished the prologue right away!
I know nothing of the story, so I’m curious what it’ll turn out to be.

For now we see an impossibly powerful magician, so I wonder what hardships she could possibly face. The man at the end of the prologue is intriguing as well.

Looking forward to reading the next part!

Unrelated note: I couldn’t read this book via ImmersionReader app on my iPad because lookups don’t work with this book. The whole behaves like a hyperlink or something. If anyone faced this and knows what to do about it, please let me know =( Because of that I had to read the book on the laptop, which is less cozy.


Well, this was a very short week. In comparison to the last pick 妊娠カレンダー, this book feels very different, refreshingly straightforward and…forgiving (like, it’s ok if there’s a sentence I don’t understand because it won’t make me miss some very subtle clue as to what’s really going on).

In true fantasy LN intro style, we get thrown straight into the action. So far, I haven’t found anything I specifically want to comment on. Looking forward to next week.

Unfortunately can’t help you there, because I’m using Bookwalker and its app. ImmersionReader looks cool, though. How does it usually work? Do you need epubs without DRM to use it?


Yes, exactly that. This app is basically a wrapped ttsu reader, the best way to read with a possibility of comfortable lookups on iPad that I found.

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Read 2 pages so far of the prologue. Not used to this type of vocabulary so it’s really slowing me down, but I can tell a lot will be reused so it’s just a matter of getting those first exposures over with :muscle:

Plus I’m having some technical issues with dictionary lookups done directly in the bookwalker app, so I’m having to look them up the more annoying way of using a separate dictionary app to search for them via radical search or drawing them, or remembering other words with those kanji to write them out :sweat_smile:


I’m reading it on Immersion Reader on my phone and it works just fine. Granted, I only just started and looked up 2 words so far, but those worked. So maybe it’s your copy who has a problem?


This week felt kinda short, or was I just too invested in the story? I like the start so far, it felt engaging and (personally) easy to read and interesting. I wonder if Isabel will appear further in the story - she seems quite responsible in her role for her age, I liked her character so far, but I’m guessing since the focus of the story is the magician, she might not appear again. I’m also interesting to see which direction the story will take in the next few chapters. I haven’t read fantasy in a while, so I’m looking forward to this book! :blush:


Oh, that is interesting, thank you! Although I don’t know how to change my epub. :thinking: I might trying fiddling with my de-drm tool and such.

But yesterday I tried using pure ttsu reader with 10ten, it works good enough :sunglasses:

I felt the same! And the number of characters confirms it. But the next week there should be more :slight_smile:


My goodness! I was looking up so many words.

I read the set once without lookups to see if I at least understood enough (I did), and then I re-read with lookups to get a full understanding.

I was definitely a bit in shock when I found words I technically knew, but didn’t recognize because a lesser used kanji was selected (充分 instead of 十分, for example). This is going to be an interesting read through :sweat_smile:


Nah, it was engaging but also definitely shorter than what we usually get in this club. Quite a gentle start to the week.

And might I just add what a pleasure it is to read a book where katakana names add up to normal, recognizable names like Isabel, Monica and Alan, instead of letter salad that reads like someone fell asleep with their forehead on the keyboard? Now if we could all do that… looking at you, とんがり帽子.

I’m also curious to see if Isabel will play a larger role in the series. I also expect the focus of the story to switch to Monica after the prologue, but Isabel and her noble house also got just enough attention that I sorta expect them to make an appearance again.

That sounds really tedious. I lean on those lookup functions so much I’d be lost without them.

Speaking of which, my device dictionary didn’t know 翼竜, so I used google picture search and found out it’s not just some fantasy species, but the real-world word for pterosaur. I hope someday we’ll read a book about dinosaurs, so I can flex with already knowing this.


It is indeed tedious, that’s why I decided to finish my read through with no lookups after I got tired of it. But I found a temporary workaround of using my ipad, which is massively old and is forced to an older version of bookwalker, dictionaries, and OS and thankfully that one works fine, so I re-read with lookups to compare. It was actually a pretty neat exercise to see how well I understand with no assistance, so I might do the same for future chapters.


I’m only a few pages into the prologue right now and I haven’t been looking up every word, but so far it looks like we’re following a noblewoman preparing for a dragon attack. I’m seeing a lot of katakana names for what I think is the name of the country and also the noble family she’s in.

A vocabulary list would be nice to keep track of proper nouns I think, but I’m not sure if anyone’s started one for this book yet.


I don’t think anyone has yet. I could add a simple table at the end of the OP with a list of names so far as of this week if that helps? :smile: I always highlight those in my ebook on bookwalker, so that should be easy.

Is anyone making a vocabulary list or planning to? :innocent:

I think a list of names as a table in the start posts to the weekly threads would definitely be helpful. It looks like this story is going to have quite a large cast, and when you’re reading at a slow pace, it’s always easy to forget who’s who.

As for a vocabulary list, most IBCs start with an empty one and then rely on the members to fill it. Can’t hurt to have one, imo.

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If someone could create one, I’ll add it to the OP and home thread. I don’t have much experience with vocab lists in the book clubs, so I’ll leave it up to you all.

Tell me if there’s anything else I can help with.