よつばと! Vol 11 Discussion Thread (Yotsuba&! Reading Club)

Page 33

This is the only text I’m having trouble with this chapter. じーだけのははずれでもうらがしろいのはすこしあたり

Can someone help me out with this? Not even sure where to separate out the words.

Otherwise, fun chapter. And I definitely want some pizza now. :pizza:

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This should help with the parsing:

  • じー = letter(s) (not sure why the ー)
  • だけ = only
  • の = makes it a noun (thing that is only letters)
  • は = topic marker (makes it clear which mail is being talked about)
  • はずれ = failure
  • でも = however
  • うら = back
  • が = subject marker (assigns subject back [above] the property of being white [below])
  • しろい = white
  • の = makes it a noun (thing that has a white back)
  • は = topic marker (makes it clear which mail is being talked about)
  • すこし = little
  • あたり = success

That is incredibly help, thank you so much!

Not realising that じー was 字 set me up tor failure from the beginning. Haha. I was also thinking that はずれ was part of a verb, which was throwing me off. Makes sense now though!


I originally thought of じー like a “stare” sound, which had me confused initially. Like, it’s a failure to only stare at it? (But even if that made sense, the part after でも fails to connect.)

And, seeing はは right after の always throws me off.


Is it a new chapter yet?

I actually almost kind of maybe don’t mind Yanda so much in the soap bubble chapter. Just a little.


It is! It seems most of us are pretty busy. :sweat_smile:

What soap bubble chapter?

Speak for yourself. I’ve been waiting here with book in hand… figuratively. :stuck_out_tongue:


It seems most of me is pretty busy. :sweat_smile:

Also, it’s every week, why didn’t you say something. :joy:


Morbid fascination. :stuck_out_tongue:


Welp, in lieu of an actual chapter 72 announcement, I went ahead and read it. Now I see what you mean by bubbles.

That was a good solid clunk to the head on page 90…


I could feel that clunk when I read it.


I honestly never remember what day of the week the new chapter is supposed to start so if someone could announce it that would actually be super helpful :sweat_smile:

Edited because I literally just noticed there’s a schedule in the first post, I never knew that was there (like ever, in any of the threads xD)

…Anyway, my point is that If there aren’t announcements anymore, it’s fine, but just make it clear that that’s going to be the way it works now, so I know not to wait and to start keeping track of it myself. xD The nebulousness is kinda killing me over here.


I’m sorry, I thought I would see how this worked, because I wasn’t being punctual with the announcements, but it seems that it was better before. :sweat_smile:


No worries - I didn’t even realize you were not doing them on purpose though :laughing: It probably would have worked better if you’d communicated that that was what you were going to do xD (If you did and I just missed it, sorry and I’ll go hide in a corner now :sweat_smile:)

I figured it was a week since the last comment, so we were overdue for the start of the next chapter; I didn’t even think to confirm on the first post. But I also forget the start date =P

If a start date arrives without announcement, I can try to comment to help ensure there’s a reminder for everyone. (Unless I forget the start date.)


I have two questions from this chapter:

Page 86
とーちゃん! やんだがあんないいもの‼︎

This is confusing me, because it looks like she’s saying something like “Yanda has something good”, but her expression makes me think that she’s complaining to her Dad about Yanda, so I feel like I must be missing something here? I don’t think I understand what あんな is doing there.

Page 88
やんだ きょうはいいこだな

In the first sentence, is いいこ meaning いい子? Would it be common to use that for someone Yanda’s age, or is this just Yotsuba being Yotsuba?

And is the second sentence her saying: “[You’re being a good kid today.] Like how you just acted/what you just did”?



There’s an implied “… and I don’t” here, I think - she’s complaining to her father. Yanda’s got a big trumpet-thing, and she’s only got the little teensy one that he just gave her.

Yotsuba being Yotsuba. Actually, she’s probably just repeating exactly the sort of thing that’s been said to her.

Think so.

Side note, your page numbers are out - these are 80 and 82.



Perfect. That’s actually exactly what I was thinking.

Cool, cool, cool.

Bah, I give up. The physical version barely has any page numbers in it. I had to count back like 30 pages to try to figure out the numbers.

Thanks for your help!


Aye, I hear you. But the trick is to start from the nearest chapter title page, using the contents to see what the page number is. :slightly_smiling_face:


First thing I do when I buy a new manga is write in all the page numbers myself with a pen!

And, unless I’ve made a terrible mistake, which will look very ugly when correcting, I think it’s pages 76 and 78!